Annoying Questions

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I hate questions in general, because I get flustered and afraid that I'll screw up the answer, but if there's one thing that really grinds my gears, it's stupid/annoying questions.
If you ask me a dumb question, prepare for a dumb answer. And a look on my face that clearly says that I'm beyond ticked with you now.
Stupid & Senseless Philosophical/Lifestyle/Personal Questions:
1. "So how long have you been gay?"
As long as you've been straight. My entire fucking existence.
I get that one a lot. A lot. A whole fucking lot. And of course it's asked by nosy people who have never met a gay person before (not kidding, she'd never met one before.)

2. "How do you know you're gay if you've never been with a woman?"
How do you know you're really straight if you've never been with the same sex? Have you had a partner of the opposite sex yet? No? So how do you know you're straight?
This is the question I hate the most. It's senseless and tackless, and definitely not well thought out. But the flustered look on people's faces at my retort is priceless.
And, for the record, I've had feelings for two females, one of whom I still have feelings for and she feels the same way about me (another story for another time). So. . .fuck you.

3. "As an atheist, are you afraid you'll go to hell?"
If you can't figure this one out, we need to have a talk.

4. "Why do you celebrate Christmas? It's a Christian holiday!"
No. It's not. It started off as a pagan holiday and then the Christians took traditions from different religions to create their own. And it's only what you make it. I like celebrating because I like gifts and the shiny wrapping paper they come in. I'm helping pay for all the shit to make it happen, I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

5. "So you don't like reproduction? Did your mom not love you?"
It has nothing to do with love. It has everything to do with the fact that too many morons are having kids and slowly killing the earth with their offspring.

6. "Are you afraid you'll be forever alone? You don't go anywhere. How will you meet your partner?"
Ah yes, because I live life trapped in my house. I'm rarely home anymore. I work and have a million things to do. I come across new people everyday, but none really catch my eye. And I already have someone (another story for another time). Physically I may be alone, but deep down, I have all I need.
This question is a blatant assumption made by people who find out I have bad anxiety.

7. [In regards to transgender persons being able to use the bathroom of their choice] "How would you feel if you had a daughter and some (slur) was in there? Would you be scared for her?"
My great uncle, everyone. After he gave me a "loving lecture" on being a lesbian after I outed myself. Yes, he actually said that to me. This logic is extremely flawed. I immediately replied (sobbing, of course), "If you let your young child go into any public bathroom by themselves in the first place, you're already a stupid fuck."
He said he agreed, but still doesn't like that transgenders can now have freedom to use the restroom where they please. How the fuck would you know someone is transgender? Are you going through each stall and checking to see what they have down there or what? And what makes a transgender person more likely to be a pedophile?
Overall, this is one of the dumbest and offensive questions ever asked.

8. "Do you think you'll ever grow out of being a lesbian?"
I'm going to need blood pressure medication if someone asks me this question again.
No. No, I will not. I'm too much in love with a female right now, but thanks for asking.

Stupid/Senseless Everyday Questions:
9. [Parent dropping their kid off at daycare] "So do I really have to pay? Can I do it in separate payments? Do I really have to pay that much?"
One, yes you have to pay. This shit isn't free. Two, you can butter up the director and see if she'll allow you, but not after you've asked a dumb question. Three, yes, you cheapskate. I don't work my ass off for nothing.

10. "Can you watch my kids on such short notice? I'll pay you more. I'll be at work for about 12 hours though."
No. It's short notice. I have shit to do. Your kids cry and scream and smell like shit. This is my time to do my thing. Sorry.

11. [As child vomits on her] "Why don't you want kids?! They're so great! Why would you not want this?!"
No. I've babysat your kids. My ovaries have shriveled up and died because of them.

12. "Sierra, is it okay to give the kids expired milk?"
*crickets chirping*

13. "This meat smells funny. Should I still make it and eat it anyway?"
*more crickets*

14. "Why do you wear all black? Do you have no soul?"
No. I don't. If I did, I would not feel a strong urge to punch you in your face.

15. "My uterus really hurts. Should I see a doctor?"
Nah. Wait until you bleed out.

16. "Was that a stupid question?"
If you have to ask me this, it probably was.

I hear this shit everyday. One thing I don't ever want to hear out of your mouth is, "How do you know you're gay/a lesbian if you've never been with a woman?"
Please see yourself out if you say this.
A lot of these questions sound funny when I type them out, but in reality, they tire me. Especially ones about my sexuality. I have to repeat the same speech over and over again, and then deal with more stupid questions. I hate explaining things to people. It is what it is. But sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind over this.
Sierra 🌙

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