Finding Dory

26 4 10

I loved Finding Dory. Just absolutely positively 100% loved the fuck out of it. 5/5, 10/10. It was better than Nemo! And I fucking love Nemo. He's an idol of mine.
It wasn't "funny" per se. It was actually kind of dark, but it definitely had a great message that should be taught to everyone of all ages. The sequels to movies are almost always terrible, but this was a lot better than the first and I was not disappointed.
It's on Netflix now, and I jumped into action when I saw it on the Trending Now list. It was awesome.
I loved the message it sent to people, although it was brought on through dark scenes of turmoil. I assume it was rated PG because of some dark, upsetting thematic scenes. Nemo was G-rated.
However, some people ignored the rating and bitched about how "terrifying" and "disturbing" it was.
I was looking through, a website where parents get to rate movies and find age-appropriate ones for their kids, and found Finding Dory. It had all 5 stars. It is not determined by the stars the parents or kids give, it's what the website rates it as.
There were a couple reviews that warned adoptive/foster parents that it may be triggering to their kids because Dory is looking for her parents and is lost. I get it. I sympathize with them. It must hurt. But one pissy review (rant?) stood out to me.
So I was scrolling through parent reviews to see what they think, and I came across this one whining parent who absolutely HATED the movie.
She said, "Don't waste your money on this. It was sad and scary and should not be for children."
She actually went on a HUGE rant in her review, about as long as my chapters, complaining how her children were terrified and Finding Dory was so dark and disturbing. She seemed to be way overdramatic and one of those parents who shields her kids' eyes and ears at everything negative thing.
She complained and said it was "too serious" and "uncomfortable." She said that she wanted to leave in the first 10 minutes, because Dory lost her parents and she thought her kids would get scared. She said none of them were scared, and yet she's still moaning.
And guess what. She watched the entire thing after admitting she hated it past the first 10 minutes. Instead of packing up her "traumatized" little shits and sneaking out of the theater, she stayed to watch the "awful" movie all the way through and whined that she wasted her money.
She said she's no longer a fan of Nemo in general because of it. Wow.
What the fuck?
Here's why I loved Dory. It has a great, powerful message that should be sent to kids. The message is: if you want it enough, you'll find a way to get it, no matter how hard you need to try.
A lot of Disney movies aren't realistic. Like the princesses. They give kids this awful ideology that you'll get whatever you want in life and live happily ever after. No. I know, even as a kid a long time ago, it is much more complicated than that. Dory conveyed a message that life is hard, but what do you do? Keep swimming.
I guess parents hate it because *gasp* it teaches kids what real life is like. HOW DARE THEY?! I'm sorry, but allowing your kids to think that they'll be guaranteed a happy life is bullshit. They need to learn that life is full of sadness and disappointments.
Yes, Dory lost her parents. It was frightening for her, but that's life. Kids get scared. I was once separated from my mom in a store and was scared as shit. I also lost her in Vegas, but I kept going until I found her. I knew how Dory felt. But that's life. You get frightened at one point in life. Might as well learn while you're a kid.
I'll admit, some parts hit me in the chest and I wanted to cry. But you can't hide your kids from that. Sadness is a part of life. The emotions were great in this movie. Finding Dory is the most realistic Disney/Pixar movie I've seen. And I've seen a lot.
In the end, Dory finds her parents and all is well. Of course it had a happy ending. I don't think Pixar would be so cruel as to leave Dory still searching in grief. It was the journey that was hard. But hey, kids! Life is fucked up! We all get sad and face fear! It's part of this life we live!
Anyway, I hate reviews like that. These parents will do anything to hide their kids from reality, which is sad. They will learn it one day. Start while they're young and explain to them what's going on. That's why it's rated PG--Parental Guidance. It's a simple part of life that we all face. It's unavoidable. Don't make them find out the hard way.
Here's what I think of Finding Dory. I thought it was great because it was powerful and a bit funny here and there. Baby Dory's voice is so small and cute! In the beginning when she's singing, "There's the undertow!" I started laughing. I watch that part all the time because it's cute.
Hank is awesome. What had me wondering was, how the fuck do all these people see a stroller moving by itself with no one pushing it and not get confused? Did they not see the damn octopus in the basket or the fish in the sippy cup? One lady even saw it when it bumped into her.
But I was still laughing when they bumped into the little girl and she started crying. And when the woman picks up the sippy cup and freaks out when she sees Hank in the stroller sucking on a pacifier.
The only thing that bothered me was that "Pokers Cove" part, where the little shit kids were roughly grabbing and poking the sea animals. Why? Why would they do that? But hey, Hank got them to leave with his ink. I laughed when they started screaming in horror and ran out.
Overall, this Finding Dory was wonderful. Highly recommend it. Go see it if you haven't. Remember, just keep swimming!
I'm going to Seattle and Alaska in June!
Birthday Countdown: 14 days.
Sierra 🌙

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