The Party|Story Time

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First of all, Happy Halloween! Although I'm not as much involved with this holiday anymore, I'll still be out there with my candy later tonight. Unfortunately, this is probably the last Halloween I'll truly celebrate (candy and simple decorations will exist, just not costumes and extravagant decorations). It's just not fun anymore. And I've been in a pissy mood lately. It's best that I hang up the costume already.

I went to the party on Saturday. Remember that "adult" party I thought was going to be shit? Yeah, I went.

However, I got there incredibly late. Mom and I had to pick up Jay, our coworker, at her apartment, then we had to go to the liquor store to buy alcohol because Nita didn't have enough cash to get it. And then, Jay and I had to run to the Target across the parking lot and get Jolly Ranchers to make this drink called Jolly Rancher Vodka. It's just how it sounds; Jolly Ranchers mixed with vodka and ice to create a smoothie (for the record, it was awesome).

So we got to the party at nine. Nita had to act "surprised," so she didn't get there until eight, and we thought we had plenty of time. Wrong. TiTi got there at eight as well and was sitting all by herself. She sent my mom a text at 8:30 saying, "Y'all hurry please!" followed by a crying emoji. She has anxiety and hates being without someone she knows, so I hauled ass.

Finally got there, and as we pulled into the apartment complex, it dawned at me that we forgot Nita's present at home. Fuck. Got out, grabbed all the beer (aw yes!) and liquor from the back, and went inside.

My nightmare came true. There were several fucking kids there. Several of them! Who the hell does this? There was music playing and of course the kids were dancing and pushing adults out of the way. I ignored them and cracked open a cold beer and sat next to TiTi, who was sitting quietly. I could sense her anxiety and I felt bad for leaving her there so long.

Eventually, after a good Jolly Rancher Vodka, TiTi loosened up and started rocking back and forth (that alcohol is not great for a small body) and swaying to the music. She started saying random things and mumbling. I took her cup away from her. She whined and took my beer. I gave her cup back and we were arguing over things that made no sense in the real world.

I was on my second beer when Nita, Mika, and their friend stood in that tiny kitchen and whispered to each other about something. TiTi, Jay, and I strained our ears to listen. Mom was too busy guzzling that JR drink to care. I later found out that Nita's boyfriend, who was at the party, was supposed to get down on one knee and propose to her that night. He didn't. He didn't even give her flowers or a real present. He gave her $30 cash.

Yeah. He's gotta go.

Nita was upset but tried to brush it off. I honestly felt bad for her. She really loves him but he can't treat her good. I took a sip of my beer and minded my business though.

Here's where it gets fun. The guests all started trickling out one by one. The only two kids that were left were Nita and Mika's godkids who stay with them on the weekends. All of a sudden, as I'm playing on my phone, I hear hip-hop music playing. The next thing I see is TiTi and Jay grinding up on each other, ass-to-pussy.

It was amusing to watch. Until they wanted me to join them. I declined and admired from afar, but as soon as I got up, TiTi grabbed me, threw me onto the couch, and dry humped me. Nita got on me and did the same. I could hardly breathe with that one. Then Jay (with her bisexual, girl-loving self) got on top of me and ground her pussy against my thigh. It was apparent later that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Not even a thong.

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