Having Kids

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I'm going to sound like the hugest asshole for my unpopular opinions on breeding, but hey, that's what I am, aren't I?
We all know, unless I'm new to you, that I refuse to have biological children because of my shitty genes and genetic illnesses that will for sure be passed down to any future spawn that happen to drop out of my vagina. I'm also very Tokophobic, which I have expressed on Whisper.
Yes, I do get pressure from my mom because she wants a grandchild in the future, but if she wants a baby, she can fucking foster one or find a man, although I think that's gross. I don't owe anyone shit.
I'm a regular reader and poster on Whisper, an app where you can post anonymous confessions and see what other people are really thinking, and I see a lot of things about having children there. There are many mombies and pro-lifers with baby brain, and it makes my uterus shrivel up and wither away into nothing.
One thing has been brought to my attention while reading through Whispers: if you cannot afford to get pregnant, you cannot afford to have a child. Period.
What am I talking about? Well, generally conceiving a parasite--I mean a baby--is easy. Open your legs, let the guy stick his dick in, and there you go! However, for some women, conceiving is difficult. Sometimes they have to go through IVF or hire a surrogate in order to fulfill their dream of becoming a parent, with their DNA, of course.
Fine, get your IVF cycles, find yourself a surrogate, have a fucking baby. Don't give a shit, although I'm not fond of reproducing. What really fucking blows my mind is these women complain that IVF cycles and surrogates are expensive and they can't afford it but yet they still want a fucking child. Are you fucking kidding me?
If you cannot afford to even get pregnant, what makes you think you can afford to raise a child? I cannot wrap my head around this. It frustrates me so much.
One IVF cycle costs $12,000. To raise a child from birth to 18 years costs $250,000. If you cannot afford the former, you definitely shouldn't do the latter. I'm sorry you have fertility issues, but if you cannot afford IVF, a surrogate, or adoption, you shouldn't have kids.
Yes, it's harsh, but it's the truth. It's sad to see the women complaining that surrogacy and IVF is expensive and then say "But I want a baby so bad." I feel for them, because most women want to reproduce, but I'm kinda glad they can't afford it, because chances are, they won't be able to afford their bundle of snot. Educate yourself before you try to have kids. They aren't free.
Here's where the asshole in me comes out, and if this is touchy, I'm sorry.
Miscarriage is rough. Women get torn up (no pun intended) over it, because sometimes, it's hard to conceive, so this pregnancy was considered a blessing or whatever, or they just feel sad that their fetus (yes, I said fetus) is gone.
They are extremely common. It's very likely to happen to you, should you ever get pregnant, especially in the first trimester. I hope it doesn't, because it can be hard, but here's what I truly think deep down inside. I'm an insensitive asshole, just a warning.
When a woman has a miscarriage and she's completely hysterical, I just wonder what the huge deal is. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking "It was only a fetus, a clump of cells." Would I ever say this to a grieving woman or a woman who's miscarried? Absolutely not. I'm not an open asshole. But am I secretly thinking it? Yes. I am.
It's hard to judge when you are not in that position, I know. I just wonder. I'm not sure I'd be crying. Because I'd want an abortion anyway.
You're free to call me an asshole now.
My condolences to those who've actually suffered this loss. I don't mean to be disrespectful, I'm just saying what I think. I see why it meant a lot to you.
Sorry, I just don't see the big deal in procreating. I personally do think abortions should stay legal in all states (fuck you, Ohio) and completely free, along with all forms of birth control. I would like all abortions, pills, IUDs, and every form of sterilization to be 100% free to everyone.
It should be illegal for any doctor or healthcare provider to refuse a patient birth control,  sterilization, or a referral to a doctor who can provide that. Give me my fucking IUD, birth control, and tubal, and I will leave you the fuck alone.
And to those pro-lifers who are against abortions and any type of birth control, fuck you. Maybe if you accepted birth control, you wouldn't have to worry about the abortions.
Let people prevent the "life" and they won't have to "kill" it later.
I personally don't bat an eye when someone has an abortion. Want some more asshole shit? The truth is, I let out a sigh of relief when someone has an abortion. It means that a woman does not have to take care of a child she doesn't want, and it also means that it's one less person the earth has to support. We are overpopulated as it is. Stop having so many children.
Pro-lifers, instead of worrying and obsessing over a clump of cells inside someone else's body, start worrying and giving a shit about the children who are already here and suffering. How many orphaned children have you adopted or fostered? Zero? Okay.
Don't tell someone to give it up for adoption. If only you knew how shitty the system is. I've literally seen, with my own fucking eyes, children being pulled out of their homes and put into foster care due to abuse and neglect. I've heard several horror stories about children being abused and molested by their adoptive o foster parents.
There was a recent case in my city where a foster mother adopted seven special needs foster children, locked them all in a small room and neglected them just so she can get the money.
Just because you think you're sending your baby to "a loving couple" doesn't mean they'll stay there or they'll treat the kid right. You never know what's going on once it's over, and I can't take the guilt of knowing that my child is out there somewhere getting abused or treated poorly. I'd rather have an abortion and live life as I should. Sometimes it's better not to exist at all.
Ask yourself, would you wanna be in a shitty situation where you're abused everyday, starved, maybe raped, or would you prefer not to exist? I'd choose the latter. Life sucks. Why make a child suffer?
Don't start with the "but there are so many couples who can't have kids" shit. It's not my job to pass babies out to the infertile. If they truly want a child, they will find a way to get one. They will not cherry pick.
And why am I selfish for not wanting to procreate? I think having biological kids is a bit selfish. You want to pass your genes on to have a mini you. Most of the time, people want kids to fulfill their own joy and to live through them. Why?
I think the whole "you're too young to make that decision" is shit. So I'm not old enough to make the decision to not have kids, but someone else of the same age is old enough to make the decision to have them? Between the two of us, I'd say I'm the responsible one. You can't have both.
I was recently told very condescendingly in a Whisper chat "good luck with that!" as a response to me saying I want to be sterilized ASAP because I refuse to have kids. Prior to that, she said that I may change my mind. So obviously she knows me better than I know me. Nobody knows me better than I do.
Ladies who don't want kids now or ever but choose to have sex, please get every single type of birth control there is if you can. And if it ever comes down to it and you want an abortion, get one! And for the guys out there, don't go unprotected. It can land you with something you may not want: a baby.
It's fine if you don't want kids. I don't want them, and I'm better for it. I would like to foster or adopt, but for now, the amount of kids I want is zero. I wish I were naturally infertile so I wouldn't have to deal with this.
I see a lot of mommy martyrs on Whisper. They seem so jealous of those who don't have kids. You wanted a child, you deal with it. Don't force your opinions on the rest of us who would rather do something else. If your dream is to have kids, go for it, but my dream is to be an author and travel the world. I'm not letting a snot demon take that away from me.
I am more than an incubator or a baby factory. I am a human being who can make her own choices, and one of those choices is to not have children. Don't try to stereotype me, because I will destroy it faster than you can label me.

I'm worth more than that.
Sierra 🌙

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