Girls' Night Out

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I had a girls' night out with my mom and four of our coworkers tonight. We've done it twice before and have been longing to do another one, but the work schedules, paychecks, and one of the girls moving into a new (very nice!) apartment made us put it on the back burner several times.
But we got the opportunity to go out on Sunday, which we never do. We just get out of work as soon as we can every other Friday night and go somewhere to eat. We decided to meet up together on Sunday to have more flexibility to do things, and it was awesome! I've never felt better in awhile and laughed so much in one night.
We met up in the parking lot of a Chick-Fil-A at 5 pm and followed the head of the group to The Cheesecake Factory. It was my very first time going to that restaurant and it was PACKED TO THE MAX. We were put on a half-hour wait and had to sit at the bar. I wanted a beer (or two) like I get every night out but they checked IDs so I couldn't. That was a little disappointing, but the fudge cake I had after that made up for it.
The food itself was iffy for me because I'm so picky and full of allergies so I didn't eat much of it, but that chocolate fudge cake was the best shit on earth. My eyes bugged out when I saw that the calories (1460!) it contained were more than what I eat daily, and you can bet I feel extremely bad about it now, but it was good. No denying that. I probably have a cavity, though.
We were kinda loud in the restaurant and the couple sitting next to us kept looking at us like we were scum or the worst people on earth. Granted, this was in a rich part of the city so everyone was dressed up in dresses and suits and had Louis Vutton bags and expensive strollers for their spawn, who also looked like they were visiting the Queen of England. We were pretty much the only ones using foul language and wearing leggings, t-shirts, and old Converse.
If you remember LittleRedShoes (whose new nickname is TiTi), she was so quirky. The couple who was staring at us during our meal really pissed TiTi off, so she looked at the guy and said, "What the fuck y'all staring at?!" They didn't look at us again.
Afterwards, we took our leftovers back to the daycare and put them in the fridge and went to the movies. This was at 9 pm. We saw Girls Trip, and it was surprisingly very funny. The only thing I hated was that guy with his tiny dick out. I choked on my M&M, accidentally swallowed it, and almost vomited it back up on TiTi when I saw that. But that's part of being a lesbian.
There was a lot of sexual talk between us and that's what made it fun. We finally crawled back to the daycare to get our stuff at midnight. My stomach hurts from that cake and laughing so hard for hours.
I've been feeling so sad and depressed lately and this really boosted my confidence. Sometimes all you need is, not medication or therapy, but a good time away from everything to forget your problems for a while. I forgot everything for those seven hours. I really needed this night.
I think I'll be okay. If we keep having nights out, I will be okay. These aren't the types of friends people think of me having (except TiTi, because she's only a bit older than me and we're both a teenage handful) but they are friends worth having and keeping.
Highlights from tonight:
"I'll cry if we see Annabelle."
"The pussy will be there tomorrow."
"Remember when you got high in that restaurant and made me tip the waitress extra, Mom?"
"I have to pee pee but I can't get up! Somebody help!"
"I feel like I've lost 40 pounds."
"Leave me the shit alone, Sierra."
--NeNe (TiTi's aunt)
"NeNe, I know it's Sunday, but did you really have to drive that fucking slow?"
"We should get strippers, but a female one for Sierra."
"That chair swallowed me."
--My Mom
"I need to go outside. I have so much gas. That cheeseburger is trying to come out."

I had so much fun tonight. I'm seeing them all again in less than 10 hours. It's almost like family, but a family by choice.
Sierra 🌙

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