36• Deep Like The Ocean

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• 6:02 p.m •

We got dressed and headed out. Steez was dressed in a nice suit.

"Hold my hand and stand by me at all times. If you need to go to the bathroom take your phone with you and call me. Don't hang up until you sit back down at the table."

"But you're gonna hear me using the bathroooommm." I whined. "That's weird!"

"I don't care. We all pee and take shits. Calm down."

I pursed my lips and followed Steez into the restaurant.

"Welcome. Your name?" A woman asked.

"Courtney Dewar and Stephanie Gold." Steez said.

"Ooo Courtney. I think that's cute." I whispered.

Steez smiled shyly and we followed the woman to our seat. Steez pulled a chair out for me and I sat down. This will be the first time in a while since we've eaten some real food. My question is, why is Steez taking me out to dinner?"

"Steez." I called him.

He looked up from the menu he was reading. "Yes?"

"Why are we here?" I asked lowly making sure no one else heard me.

"What do you mean?" He frowned and his eyes glistened in the light.

"No like...why are you taking me out to this fancy ass restaurant?"

He smiled innocently. "Why not? You deserve it! You're an amazing girlfriend. You're honest, caring and just beautiful. Inside and out."

I looked down. "Yeah..."

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked at the menu. I felt someone's eyes burning into my soul, multiple eyes and looked up. There was a group of people across the room. Two boys and two girls. They're on a double date or something. One of the girls with pretty blonde hair pointed at my hair.

"It's so unprofessional. It looks like an animal on her head." She laughed.

"The guy looks like he has a family of tarantulas on his head!"

They all giggled and patted their mouths with a napkin. Steez didn't hear them at all, he was too busy reading and swaying to the music playing. He had a soft smile on his face and hummed.

"Steez imma act a fuckin' fool." I whisper shouted to him.

"Huh?" He looked up at me. "Why do you look upset? Why are you going to act a fool? What's wrong?"

"Those people are talking shit about us like that shits ok!" I gritted my teeth.

"Stephanie it's ok. Don't worry about it. People are gonna talk shit." He looked at them.

"I know that but they're talking about our hair! At least we don't have to wash our hair every-"

"Steph stop. That's rude. It's ok. Don't pay attention to them. If I see you looking over there again imma take all your zebra cakes. Let's just eat and get out. Don't make a scene, you know people are gonna take their side and we'll lose."

I huffed and the waitress came. We ordered and waited for our food.

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