👑Of Backseats and Tinted Windows [M]👑

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Chanyeol bought a new car. He shows Baekhyun its interior.


"Oh my god, he really is handsome!" Baekhyun squealed in excitement, slightly jumping like a kid when he took notice of the Mercedes-Benz neatly parked on the side.

They are currently at the SMEnt parking lot, spending the small amount if free time they have. Chanyeol and Baekhyun decided on having some quality time together, like what a normal couple would do. So after a short meeting with their PD-nims and the others, Chanyeol invited Baekhyun on the parking lot to show him something. Because he wanted to show that 'something' to his pretty boyfriend before they fly to another country to slay another bunch of fangirls.

Chanyeol grinned, clearly amused of the 'fanboying' adorable creature in front of him, who looks like a fan seeing his ultimate bias in person for the first time. He slightly shook his head and, smiling ear to ear, he walked towards the other guy. "I'm glad you liked him, Baek."

Baekhyun faced Chanyeol and held his hands on his own waists. "Of course I do like him, Chanyeol! He's like.. tons of dollars worth!" He said, then raised a brow, like showing the taller how proud he is having a boyfriend who's rich as fuck.

"Yeah." Chanyeol grinned again. He's happy, of course. Because he didn't just buy this expensive car just to brag how much he earns as an idol. He doesn't need to admit it, because it was clear as clear that he bought the car to award himself, and of course, to share it with Baekhyun. It's nice to share your accomplishments with your special one, right?

Chanyeol then fished the carkeys out fom his pocket. "So.. shall we try the car?" Then he winked at the smaller.


Baekhyun is literally fanboying over Chanbaek.

Not CHANBAEK Chanbaek, but Chanbaek. Chanbaek the car. Chanbaek the vehicle.

Chanbaek the Mercedes-Benz.

So, while traveling along the roads of Korea, Baekhyun didn't stop from talking, and talking and.. yeah, talking.

About Chanbaek, of course.

Chanbaek the Mercedes-Benz.

"Chanyeol-ah, I like this car very much!"

"Chanyeol-ah, can we give a name to this car? Huh?"

"How about naming it Chanbaek? Our OTP name, Chanbaek. That's pretty, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah, it's final. The car's name is Chanbaek. Chanbaek the Mercedes-Benz."

"Chanyeol-ah, why did you even buy this just now? Just whyyyy?"

"This is super cool, Chanyeol, I wish I could duck my head outside and wave to the people!"

"Chanyeol-ah, can I open the window?"

"Chanyeol-ah, Chanyeol-ah, Chanyeol-ah."

The traffic lights went red. Chanyeol pulled over, temporarily leaving the busy road. He withdrew his hold on the steering wheel and glanced over Baekhyun, who's looking at him with alive and expectant eyes.

"Chanyeol-ah, let's open the window so we can--"

Baekhyun's words were unfinished due to Chanyeol's sudden utterance.

"You know I like you calling my name every so often, Baekhyun, but steady your feels, okay?" Chanyeol chuckled. He suddenly wanted to kiss this cute, cute creature in front of him right now. Baekhyun looked so cute, him facing his side--towards where Chanyeol is seated right now, his eyes brighter, lips curved into smile. And please add his eyelids that constantly blinks without him being concious about it. "Baek, the car is perfect, yes. But please do wear your seatbelt properly. And sit properly. I'm worried you might bump your head there or anything."

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