👑Getting Out Of Hand (Pt. 1)👑

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In which Park Chanyeol's frustration over his Byun Georgeous Baekhyun was dorkly typewritten over a blank word document, with the plan of sending it to Chanbaek shippers around the world.


Dear Chanbaek shippers,

Okay. First of all, hello. But since I don't know what to do for an introduction and my hands are getting sweaty and cold already because Baekhyun might see me, I'll go get straight to the point: this. is getting. out of hand. I need help. I need to let this feelings out. Because maybe this is too much. Maybe I am way too whipped.

That's it. That's the right term: whipped. I AM FRUSTRATINGLY WHIPPED.

And when I say whipped, I mean literally. Literal, because I am whipped as to how he yawns and stretches his body every morning. Whipped as to how he brush his teeth, wear his socks, bite the fork during breakfast and even scratch the back of his neck when he doesn't understand something.

You've got it right on your head. I'm doomed.

Byun Baekhyun was, and forever will be, aesthetically beautiful. To me, at least. And maybe you're asking me why, and of course, I don't know what to make as an answer.

I just find him incredibly beautiful. Every. Single. Day. Maybe he isn't the girl I dreamed about during puberty days, maybe he isn't the woman I asked for during my teens and maybe he isn't the person I was praying for every night when I knew I was ready to fall in love. But no matter how cheesy it may sound, Byun Baekhyun is the person I never expected to love. He's the one I never knew I needed. Sounds like a song, right? Hahaha.

Okay. So right now, I'm sitting on my bed---laptop on my lap, typing to this application which people call a Microsoft Word. I don't know, but it has been hours since our third concert for ElyXiOn in Fukuoka has ended---the other members are sure snoring their lungs out in their rooms, while Baekhyun's here, by my side, his drool on my pillow---and the night was so quiet, but I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I was too damn tired, but when I rested my back on the bed and was about to drift to dreamland, my eyes happened to catch a glimpse of this beautiful creature beside me, and boom--sleep left my soul.

The reason? I ask myself that, too. And maybe you're right about what you're thinking right now. Maybe because I'm really a hopeless case. But maybe, just maybe, the reason is because I was thinking about something else.

Let me tell you something.

Baekhyun cracked a note yesterday. We all know that. During Sing For You, our performance became "less serious" when my boyfriend accidentally cracked his voice while singing. The members reacted so funny, and the audience did, too. And when you ask about me, of course I reacted funny, too. I forgot my lines. I couldn't sing. That was funny. But stupid.

Maybe you find that funny too, maybe not. But for me, I just need to repeat myself: I'm whipped. Even his mistakes make my chest go wild.

Sure, you can throw tomatoes at me for being this cheesy. But what else can I do? This person right here is in love. You know it too, right?

So. Why am I writing this again? Oh. Because everything's getting out of hand. You know, I just think I needed some ways to express (or even let out) my overflowing feels about my boyfriend and I just happen to see this MS Word as my superhero of the night. But what else could I write without you guys being bored about what I say?

Could I answer some of your questions, then?

Well, I don't think there's something wrong about that. Let's see.

It's not unknown to the members about all those OTPs you guys ship. And of course, me and Baekhyun knows about ours. The ChanBaek ship. Am I getting it right?

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