❤I Love You Because..❤

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"I love you", Chanyeol whispered.

Baekhyun bounced back another question as he stared into the taller's eyes. "No matter how appear in front of you, I am a man. And you are, too. And I think that's wrong. Why do you even love me, Chanyeol?"

"Because you're you. And you're perfect." Chanyeol held the smaller in his hands. "And when I said you're perfect, it's not because you stand smaller than I do. It's not because I have deeper voice than yours. Or that you have smaller frame and you don't stop me when I spoil you a lot. It's not because people say you're way too feminine when you act or because you've got softer features."

Baekhyun stared with teary eyes as Chanyeol finished his speech. "I love you because I just do. I really do, Baek. I love you."

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