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"You should tell me if someone's hurting or bullying you, Baekhyun."

The said guy crouched on his seat, as he was aware that that certain taller man would continue with his sermon. Baekhyun was a bit ashamed for what had happened, that his richass classmates bullied him again like spoiled kids despite their age, and he couldn't help but feel guilty towards Chanyeol, his only savior and friend.

"I promise it won't happen again."

Chanyeol placed his hands on each of Baekhyun's shoulders, facing him nearer. "That's what you said before. And that's the seventh time you said that." He sighed. "Baekhyun, if your parents really won't care if someone harasses you, and there's no willing person to be your friend and take care of you, then I will."

Baekhyun turned to look at Chanyeol, teary-eyed. Finally, the person who he loves will take him away from his hell.

"I'll go and file an adoption paper." Chanyeol decided. "Your parents doesn't deserve a son like you. If they can't treat you as their child properly, I will. Okay?"

Byun Baekhyun almost smiled. But he didn't, since he remembered what complicated the love he has for Park Chanyeol.

He was sixteen, a highschool student. Chanyeol was a married man with two kids, and he was forty-three.

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