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Byun Baekhyun woke up, expecting to see himself naked under the blanket sheets.

But he was not.

"The fuck?"

His eyes roamed around the familiar hotel room, finding its stupidly slow owner.

"Oh you're awake?"

Park Chanyeol entered the room with a tray of breakfast, probably not expecting the sleeping guy he left to be awake already and, most of all,  looking pissed.

"I guess I am because my eyes are open?" Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Ah. Yeah, some people's eyes are open even when they sleep, just like you." he mockingly said, his voice hoarse from the fresh slumber.

Chanyeol just put aside the tray and faced the other. "What the hell is wrong with you, Baek? You made fun of me all night and now this?" He  chuckled sarcastically. "I just let you because you were drunk, just so you know."

Baekhyun got more pissed. "That was the point, Chan, I was drunk!"

"And so?"

"I was drunk and yet you didn't do anything, you fucktard!"

Chanyeol felt his body froze. "W-what?"

Baekhyun felt his head like it's trying to burst open. He put a gentle hand on it, hoping to ease the pain of hangover. "What the fucking hell, I don't even drink. I don't even know how to deal with hangover and yet I drank just so I could spend a night with you. Do you not know how much I tried to make you notice that I like you?

And another thing, Park, we're 26! We're fucking 26 and still we've got nothing, do you realize that?!"

Chanyeol was stunned. Baekhyun was acting like a kid in a tantrum and it felt weird that it was because of fucking waking up knowing that nothing happened between them the night before. Of course, no one can deny a drunk Baekhyun, especially if he was asking to share a bedroom with somebody as weak-hearted as Chanyeol. But they were friends, and no matter how tempting as hell it was last night because of the smaller's (intentive) sexy body movements even when drunk, Chanyeol just couldn't do it.

"The fuck are you quiet?" Chanyeol heard Baekhyun say. "Say something, you shit!"

A shit. A beautiful shit. That was what was Baekhyun is pertaining to his self last night.

Chanyeol internally laughed.

"Say something, Chanyeol!"

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun directly, pinching his cheeks. "You cute little creature." He said, grinning. "You didn't have to do all that. I could have asked you out if you just waited a little bit longer."

Baekhyun saw Chanyeol gestured at something on the bedside table.

"On one of the drawers right there, is something I think you know already. It's in a box. A small box. And you know that I should ask something first before I give you that right?"

Baekhyun nodded.

"Now, do you want me to do that now, or should you wait a little bit longer so I could prepare more?"

Baekhyun's heart was beating like a maniac. "Uhmm.."


"I-I think I'll just w-wait. I think I can wait."

Chanyeol looked relieved. "Good. Now. Breakfast?"

Baekhyun nodded.

Okay, fuck. Baekhyun think he needs to wait a few more time before he finds himself naked under the sheets when he wakes up one morning.

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