👑Three Things👑

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'Any agreement sworn by a demon and a human shouldn't be defied, for the natural forces will have its way to make it possible.'

Park Chanyeol, a demon, and Byun Baekhyun, a human, had come up with an agreement-letting Baekhyun's miserable life to end, Chanyeol would ravish the former's flesh and blood. In exchange, Chanyeol would have to give Baekhyun three things; a family, a friend and a lover.

Disclaimer: This fiction is based on a scenario from the Korean drama 'Hwayugi: A Korean Odyssey' wherein Jin Seon Mi asked Son Oh Gong for those three things, while the latter convinced the former into giving up her life. Enjoy!


"Don't tell me you're not gonna say I could kill you today?"

Demons are like that. They talk about death and killing as if those were just like scratching one's back; a shitty, but normal, norm.

"Am I right, human?"

Of course, the humanly eyes of Byun Baekhyun popped open when, again, that voice talked. It was just a few moments ago since he planted his butt on the swivel chair of his office inside his real estate company; his eyes closed and back leaned against the soft back support as he rested, thinking about how cruel this stupid world is-putting his only family away from his at such a young age, his grandma.

But then fuck his thoughts, because the reality was even crueler when Chanyeol suddenly spoke, making Baekhyun realize there's more shit his life has besides him losing his grandmother.

Again, it was that voice, The Great Park Chanyeol's voice, that stole Baekhyun away from his own emotional masochistic thoughts. Of course, Chanyeol, as a demon, was glad to ruin some human's boring time, much more to startle the lowly Baekhyun in the middle of his envisions. He laughed internally. It had been a week but Baekhyun still wasn't used to his sudden appearance (and inhumane beauty, for this instance). And he was wrong about nothing. Baekhyun often forget that Chanyeol wasn't human at all; he wasn't even a friend to begin with. He was another kind of a creature-a demon. And demons are like that; they suddenly appear and disappear whenever they want to, always surprising mere humans in the process, not just because of their teleportation shit, but also because demons are irritatingly beautiful. And yes, Chanyeol was beautiful even in Baekhyun's poor vision.

Baekhyun couldn't hide his irritation the moment he found Chanyeol sitting atop the office table. Chanyeol looked at him mockingly in return. The human was pale, small and fragile-looking; his eyes were small and so was his button nose, not to mention his thin but dry lips. Chanyeol frowned at himself. Everything about Byun Baekhyun screamed plain and dull he seemed so boring. Unlike him. Park Chanyeol always sees himself as tall and handsome and everything; with big round eyes, pointed nose, unusually pointy but attractive (said he) ears and plump lips. The inhumanely beautiful features of the tall demon were sure stunning every human and their whole humanly boring existence, and he was proud that even Baekhyun knew how to appreciate art. Chanyeol could almost see his reflection in the overly-amazed eyes of the lowly human in front of him.

And again, he wasn't wrong about that. Baekhyun indeed consider him handsome. Unfortunately, for Baekhyun, Chanyeol's being cocky and rude defeated all the advantages of his good looks. But shit happens, because despite that, Baekhyun still couldn't deny the flashy smile and small teeth the demon possessed, not to mention the smirk he did every once in a while, especially when he knew he won an argument or he was one step ahead. If only Baekhyun didn't know the truth, he would think Chanyeol was an angel. Which was ironic. The demon wanted him as food.

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