👑Getting Across What's Real (Pt. 2)👑

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In which Byun Baekhyun's clarifications and (not-so) violent reactions to his Park Silly Chanyeol's letter were dorkly typewritten over a blank word document, with the plan of sending it (also) to Chanbaek shippers around the world.

NOTE: This is the part two for my Chanbaek one shot, Getting Out Of Hand.


Dear Chanbaek shippers,


I'll go straight to the point: I know I'm always being sweet whenever I talk to my aeris, but please bear with me this time, because I'm not going to be (only a little bit, is that okay?). It's because I need to clarify things. And oh. I need to get across about what's real---about me and Park Chanyeol.

Don't worry, I'm not mad and I'm sure Chanyeol and I won't be fighting because of this. I just need to you to know this. ASAP. (I wanna let you hear my side, too, of course!)

So, first of all---though I don't really wanna say it---I admit I was flattered (and probably blushed because I felt my cheeks get warmer) by the fact that the Nation's Boyfriend, a.k.a Park Chanyeol, was actually "whipped" (just like how he call it) by my mere existence. I'm honestly flattered. No doubts.

I just hope he won't tell that to me on my face, because I don't know how to react.

When I found Chanyeol's letter on his laptop, I was like, "wow". Really. I never knew an idol could be so honest about his romantic relationship with someone to other people, not to mention to his fans who, apparently, loves him too. I never expected Chanyeol to do that.

I was suprised. I always knew how the members were so honest and sincere with our fans---about what we feel, about our disappointnents, love, appreciation and such---but I never expected us to be so honest, too, about those kinds of personal things. I was lost for words. I didn't see myself doing that before. Maybe because I was a little scared. That part was a long story, and me saying I was a little scared may summarize it all.

So, yeah. I admired what Chanyeol did. There were so many ways how he could let his feelings out, but out of all those things, he chose to write a letter for you and share what he and I have.

To be fair, I want to be honest, too. Park Chanyeol, in his letter, had been totally and purely honest about his feelings for me. About everything. So I wanted to do the same.

So. If you ask me, it's not really just Chanyeol who was way too "whipped". It's not just him. I do, too, believe it or not. But I don't think you guys noticed that. And maybe that's because it was him who was more expressive, not me. And I admit sometimes I envy him because of that. I have always wanted to reciprocate whatever Chanyeol was giving me. But I wasn't vocal enough.

Eherm. I'm beginning to be dramatic. Sorry. Honestly, I dunno what to say anymore. How do I start this? Because actually, the real reason I wrote a letter too is because I also wanted to answer all those questions my boyfriend had answered. Not to argue with him with some of his answers (maybe only a little bit, hahaha), but to get across--and elaborate---those things that he said so you guys can understand more.

Why? Because I want you to view the picture from my side this time.

Where was I? Okay. I wanted you to know.

So right now, I'm currently sitting on my bed, my IPad on my hands (fortunately, Chanyeol's not on my side because Jongdae asked him for some help with our late dinner downstairs), with pillows all around me because my body's aching from the recent performance earlier. I was actually originally planning on posting a selca on my Instagram account or doing an IG live this late evening, when I happened to see Chanyeol's laptop on the bedside table. I knew the password, so I opened it out of curiousity (you know, I saw him on his laptop on midnight last Christmas when I stirred from sleep, but because I was damn tired I let him be) and because he was there all night I was intrigued about what he was busy with.

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