22. I got Tagged...again

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I got tagged to do the thing by Jayster1738

1. Do you have a nickname, if so what is it?
Yes, I do! It's the shorthand for my middle name which I won't say cause then if you live in my town you'd automatically known who I am.

2. Do you watch Glee?

3. Got any kinks?
Dylan O'brien....jk no😂

4. Describe yourself in six words
*counts on fingers* I like to make the art.

5. Are you a virgin or not?
Call me Mary

6.  Favorite sandwich?

7.whats your favorite sandwich?
...otay um ^

8. Do you still do things you did as a toddler?
Definitely do not suck my thumb. Definitely do not run around the house naked. BUT I definitely do watch tv like two inches away from the actual screen.

9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
AN AUTHOR. YAAAAAY. I'm working on a few original stories at the moment cause I have freaky dreams that somehow manage to connect.

10. Lemonade or orange juice?
Lemonade. I only drink orange juice when it's the Tangy Sunny-D and anything with pulp in it makes me wanna throw up. (Like I said, I'm picky)

11. Morning shower or night shower?
Depends on how tired I am TBH. Like today I took a morning shower cause last night I fell asleep on the kitchen floor at 9 pm.

12. Favorite curse word?
Shit. I don't even know why but if you haven't noticed I use it a lot when I write. Stiles says and thinks shit a lot😂

EnchantedWere22 vivitaly14 ElizabethGoryachkovs Sky-GrounderGirl obrienscute  ...*realizes she doesn't even know ten people....so she's gonna do five* SORRY SORRY.


1.do you drink the milk out of your cereal bowl or do you pour it out?
2. What game are you good at?
3. What song do you know all the lyrics to and shout at the top of your lungs?
4. What's it like to watch someone fall in love? (Idek just answer it)
5. coffee or tea?
6. Do you enjoy drinking water?
7. What's the most vivid dream you've ever had? (Good or bad)
8. Morning person or night owl?
9. Boots or sneakers?
10. Do you think horses are scary?
11. What's the last book you've read?
12. When was Kaya Scodelario born?

On the news of updates, I'm pretty sure I'll be posting the prologue of the Toxic Waste sequel tomorrow but if it doesn't happen, don't cry. I'm busy and I know you have homework to do over the weekend.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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