Chapter 4

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It was later that day. me and Taylor where lying in bed watching tv. I looked at my phone to see if Jeremy had called or text but nothing

"He's pissed at us " I said to Taylor

" He'll come around soon plus he has to anyway since we have a show next week " taylor said

" He might not t but I don't see why he's annoyed at us it's nothing to do with him if we are together ." I said

" I know babe we just have to wait and see when he comes around " He replied

I lay my head on Taylor's chest and continued to watch tv. he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

A couple of minuets later the door bell went.

" Ugh just as I was getting comfy. " I said as I got up

" Aw babe " Taylor said before I left the room. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. it was my mom. She barged her way in.

" I hear that you and Taylor are a thing now " she said angrily.

" You know a hello and how are you would have been nice " I replied

" So why the hell are you and Taylor going out and not you and chad ?" my mom asked angrily

"I love Taylor " I said

" You don't know what love is your young and your clearly making a mistake " she half shouted

" When did my love life become your business, im 24 and I can do whatever the hell i want. " I shouted

" Your my daughter and I don't want you dating Taylor "

" I'n 24 you have no control over who I go out with, I love Taylor and I'm not breaking up with him because you don't like it. "

" I also heard you had a affair with Taylor behind chads back. what the hell is wrong with you " my mom shouted

" Wait a minuet. so what I had a affair but chads no saint. don't you fucking remember on the wrap tour we slept together and he was married. he continued to have a affair with me until his wife found out so don't you dare bring me down for that when he's no different " I shouted

" I've had enough of you hayley, your no daughter of mine. don't dare come near me or your sisters. your no longer part of this family " she shouted before leaving. I closed the door behind her and then slid down the back of the door as tears ran down my cheeks.

Taylor came running down the stairs and bent down next to me and pulled me Into a hug

" My mom said I'm not part of the family anymore. I have no one " I cried

" Shhh hayley you have me babe and I'm not going anywhere " Taylor said

" Why she doing this to me why's Jeremy doing This to me. it's not my fault I fell in love with you t " I said

" I know babe but you will never lose me I promise you that babe "

I got out of Taylor hold and stood up. I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I drank it and then put it in the sink. I walked back out into the hall and ran up the stairs with Taylor following behind. I lay back down on the bed and Taylor lay next to me.

He wrapped his arms around me and put his head in my hair

" I love you so much t " I said

" I love you to spongebob " Taylor said and then kissed the top of my head

I felt my eyes get heavy and I started to drift off to sleep.

This heart will start a riot in meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora