Chapter 17

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Hayleys p.o.v

" can't tell who what " I asked Taylor.

Marcus looked at the ground awkwardly and Taylor looked away from me. I waited a minuet or so to see if any of them where going to tell me but they both stayed quiet.

" Is it about me ?" I asked

Both of them still stayed quiet. now I was getting annoyed. Taylor knows that he can tell me anything

" What the fuck is this about " I shouted loud, louder than I ever have before.

Both of them looked up at me shocked.

" I'm gonna give use time " Marcus said and then went to walk out but I pushed him back in

" Your not going anywhere " I said to him

" Just tell her taylor " Marcus half shouted

" Tell me what." I shouted.

" Nothing just drop it " Taylor said

I grabbed the glass cup that was next to me

" You either tell me or this cup is going to be in thrown in your direction " I shouted. I've never been violent but right now I couldn't care less.

" Hayley i said drop it " Taylor shouted.

I threw the glass at him and he ducked so it missed him.

" Fuck sake hayley came the hell down " Taylor shouted

" Not until one of use tell me what the hells going on " I shouted back

" Taylor slept with his ex alright " Marcus said

" After I gave up everything for you, I gave up my sisters for you, I nearly lost my best fried because of you and you do this. " I shouted

" Hayley It was a mistake " Taylor said

" That's not what you said last night. if I remember correctly it was the best sex you ever had " Marcus said

" Shut the fuck up " Taylor shouted

" You know what we're over, there's no more tayley. being with you was the biggest mistake of my life I should of stayed with chad, I was happy with him, I loved him but you had to come around and wreck everything. " I shouted before running out of the bus

I ran across the parking lot with Taylor following behind me.

" Hayley hear me out " Taylor shouted.

I stopped running and turned around to face him " I don't want to here anything from you, I wish you didn't even exist. I hate you so much more than I've ever hated anyone. you've wrecked my life I have no one now and it's all your fault. " I shouted as i began to cry

" You don't mean that. we're happy together we can get over this " Taylor said

" you tell me how we can get over it ? how I can ever trust you again. ?" I shouted

Taylor looked down at the ground not saying a word

" see you can't because there's no getting over this. we are over Taylor just except it " I said before walking away.

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