Chapter 50

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After speaking to tony, I got in my car and started to drive to where I was meeting him. I decided that I had to call Taylor. I don't need to tell him where I am but he needs to know I'm alright.

I called him using the car because my phone hooks up to it. it started to ring and I was just waiting for him to shout down the phone or something but he didn't

" Hayley, oh my god are you ok." He answered

" Hey t I'm fine, I just wanted to call you to stop you from worrying " I said as I concentrated in the road

" Where are you " he asked

" Just out of town " I replied

" who are you with ?" he asked

" Just a friend, anyway I have to go. I'll be back in a couple of days. I love you " I said before hanging up

I parked the car and got out. me and tony where meeting in a abandoned wearhouse. it was his idea not mine. I walked into the ware house. It was old, dusty and just disgusting.

I leaned against one of the walls and looked a head as I waited on tony. Only a couple more days and I'll be back home to my family. I will be away from this mess and back to reality.

" Hayley " I heard tony say

I got up from the wall and walked over to him.

" You got it ?" I asked.

" Yeah." He said and unzipped his jacket. he brought out a package and handed me it.

" Are you sure about this ?" he asked

" Yep, is everything organized ?" I replied as I took the brown package

" Yes everything's sorted " he replied

" And chad doesn't know a thing ?"

" Hayley stop stressing everything will go according to plan " he said

I never said anything I just nodded my head. Me and tony started to walk out of the building.

" I'll see you tomorrow and all our hard work will unfold " he said

" See you tomorrow " I said before we both parted ways.

I got in my car and opened the package. I took what was in it out and looked at it before putting it back in. I put the package in the glove compartment before starting the engine and driving away.

Ohh I wonder what's in the package. What do you guys think it is ?

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