Chapter 13

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After Jeremy's I just went home. I hated being here on my own without t even if we where only going out for a couple of days.

Was it stupid of me to break up with him over a kiss ?

Was all that was going through my head. I loved it when know one knew about us we seemed to get on so much better. we were inseparable.

I just want it to go back the way it was a few months ago. when we where happy and in love. I finally came to a decision and picked my phone up.

" Hello " he answered

" T " I said happily

" Hey hayleys what's up " he said

" Can you come round please ? " I asked

" Yeah is everything alright ?" He asked

" Everything's fine " I replied

" Alright I'll see you soon " t said

" See you soon " I said and then hung up

Was I stupid to take him back ? He kissed another girl not just any girl his ex but I love him.

You know when we had a affair Taylor tried to break it off but I couldn't let go of him and then when chad came back we had to, i cried myself to sleep for the first couple of weeks. somehow I always knew from the day I kissed him that he was the one.

I stayed with chad because I didn't want to hurt him and partly because I was scared that if me and Taylor where together it might wreck paramore if we ever split up.

I know my mom wasn't happy about me and Taylor and if she found out that he cheated on me well let's put it this way Taylor wouldn't live to see another day. I don't care if my mom does approve of my relationship with Taylor because all that matters is that me and Taylor are happy together.

The door bell rang being me out of my thoughts. I got of the bed and ran down the stairs. I opened the door and instantly hugged Taylor. he hugged me back but I could tell he was confused.

I let him in and we sat down in the living room

" What's up ?" Taylor asked

" I miss you t, I know you kissed another girl and I should be here asking to be with you again but I love you to much to break up over a kiss that mean nothing. I want to go back to when we where close so close that we where inseparable. I want you to love me again like you used to and make me feel like yours again " I said

" Hayley you know that I love you and I never meant to kiss gab it was a mistake " he said as he cupped my face

" I know, I love you t I love you so much " I said

" I love you so much to baby " he said and kissed me

" Hey do you wanna watch a movie in our pajamas and eat frozen yogurt like we used to ? " I said

" I don't have my pajamas here " he said

" Yeah you do you left them a while back and I washed them and kept them in my drawer " I replied

" Let's do this. " Taylor said happily


I lay in Taylor's arms as we watched mean girls. yeah I know it's girly but hey I like it and t doesn't mind it.

" Taylor you can't sit with us " I said

" no no no , bitch please I'm fabulous " Taylor said in a girly voice making me laugh

" Aw t " I said and kissed his nose

The door bell went, I sighed and got up

" I'm coming with you " Taylor said as he wrapped his arms around me and walked with me

I unlocked the door and then opened it

" Gabriella ? " I said

Oh oh, who thinks Gabriella will tell hayley ? Or do you think she will see how happy Taylor is and not say anything ?

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