Chapter 12

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Taylor's p.o.v

She said let's take it one step at a time which means we have a chance of being together again.

I watched as hayley walked down the road before I closed the door. I ran up the stairs and Into my bedroom

" You have to go now " I said

" Why ?" Gabriella asked confused

" Because I might have a chance of getting back with hayley." I said as I through her clothes at her

" What about us ?" she said as she got up and started to get ready

" There is not us '' I said

" That's not what you said the other night. you said you wanted me back and you didn't love hayley " she said still getting ready

" I was drunk and it was a mistake, I shouldn't have slept with you it was a mistake and we are just going to keep it to our selfs"

" What if i don't want " she said with her hand on her hips

" Remember I have a little secret of yours you wouldn't want anyone to know so watch your mouth " I snapped

" fine " she said and then walked past me.

Hayleys p.o.v

Before I went home, I went I to Jeremy's to tell him that Taylor was back in paramore. I knocked on his door before walking in.

He was lying on the couch sleeping. I tipped toed over to him and jumped on him .

" Boo " I shouted. Jeremy jumped up making me fall on to the floor. " ouch " I said as I rubbed my but

" Why would you do that, you scared me, I could have had a heart attack " Jeremy said and he helped me up

" Sorry jerm " I said as I sat next to him.

" what did you come round for ?" he asked

" To tell you that Taylor's back in paramore " I said

" What why ? Jeremy Asked

" Because I know he loves the band and chucking him out was a but extreme. I'm only getting on with him because if the band in still pissed at him " I said

" I know you are it's very grown up of you to let him back in the band " Jeremy said and pulled me into a hug

" Why thank you " I replied

Hey guys so only a quick update because I'm at school but I will be updating tonight after I study 😩 lol anyway what do you guys think about Taylor being back in the band ? and what do you think about him sleeping with Gabriela?

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