Chapter 35

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After everyone went home I lay on the couch watching friends. Taylor went out for a drink with Jeremy. he wouldn't leave me but I told him he couldn't stop living his life.

I lay with my blanket and a bowl of ice cream.

"No, I barely even got to three Mississippi " I said with ross

" Mississippi? I said count to five'! " I said copying the person spray tanning ross.

Is it sad that I know all the lines to friends ?.

I continued to watch friends for a while. Occasionally repeating lines.

About 15 minuets later the door bell went. I got up off the couch and made my way to the front door. it was kat and bliss. I let them in and kat went and sat on the couch.

" I'm not disturbing you am I ?" she asked

" Of course not, what's up " I asked as I took my seat back on the couch.

" Well the dudes are having a guys night so why don't we have a girly night with bliss " kat said

" Sounds great, can I see her " I asked

" Sure, in gonna go to the bathroom " she Said and handed my bliss before leaving the room.

I held bliss and looked into her tiny bright blue eyes.

" I wish I could see you grow up little one but I know your gonna be a stunner like your mommy and daddy. your gonna have a amazing family around you and your going to have a little cousin soon. " I kissed the top of her head " I remember when you where born, your daddy called me and told me you where born. me and uncle t where at the cinema and my phone wrung. when I found out you where born I was already proud of you. even when I'm not here I still will be proud of you. your a davis and one day your going to be a rockstar like your daddy. I love you little fairy princess " I said as tears ran down my cheeks. I hated having to do this but I knew if I didn't do it now I would never do it and I had to tell people that I loved them and stuff.

" Hayles " kat said behind me making me jump

" Yeah " I said

" Your going to beat this so don't talk like that. your a fighter " she said

" I'm not going to beat it, I can't. I'm pregnant and I can't take the chemo. it could kill the baby. I can't let another child of mine die that's why I'm dying. " I said

Kat sat next to me and kat her head on my shoulder " I don't what I'm gonna do without you, my best friend and my sister. your one of a kind williams I'm never going to find someone like you " kat said. I could tell she was crying

" I'm scared kat, I'm scared if dying. I have to be brave in front if everyone because I know if I break then so will they. I don't want to die This young I want to see bliss grow up and my baby. " I said crying to

" I'll look after the dudes for you, I'll make sure that there not depressed and crying everyday. Taylor will be amazing dad to your baby. he'll love it twice as more and every time he hugs it he'll hug it for both of use. your a strong women hayley. You make me proud to call you my best friend and you always will be nothing's every going to change that "

" You know what let's have a happy night. I've had to much sad days. I Only have a so many months to live let's do it the right way. let's have fun and be happy " I said

" Let's do this " kat said happily

So the next chapters going to be the last :(

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