Chapter 38

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After sitting in the cafe for about 2 hours, I decided that I had to home. I got up off my seat and walked out the cafe. I stood outside and called Jeremy

" Hey " he answered

"Hey jerm, can you do me a massive favor ? " I asked

" Where are you ? " He asked

"The cafe we used to go to when we where kids " I replied

" Cool I'll be there in about 10 minuets " he said

" See you soon " I said before hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket and put my hands over my bump. I looked a state. I had a pair of sweats on, a massive top to cover my bump, a old hoodie and my converses. who cares, I'm a pregnant lady and nothing fits me.


Jeremy finally got here and I got in his Land rover. Bliss was in the back laughing away to her self

" Hey beautiful girl " I said to her as I put my seat belt on. she laughed even more.

" Have you and Taylor fell out ?" Jeremy asked

" You could say that " I said as he pulled out

" What have you done this time " he said

" I've not done anything " I replied

" Alright then what has Taylor done ?" he asked

" It doesn't matter " I said as I looked out the window

" Come on hayles, you usually tell Me everything " he said

" Fine there's a cure for my cancer that might work but I'm not taking it " I said

" Wait so there's a cure and your not taking it are you stupid. you have a chance to live again why the hell won't

you take it " Jeremy said a little angry

" Because It's only a 50/50 chance that it will work, I've excepted that I'm dying and I'm not going to go through with putting hundreds of drugs in my body that might not even work no way. " I said

" Have you heard yourself honestly, you are sitting here telling me your not going to go through with the cure that might actually let you live. people would love to be in your position, they would have the chance to live and be there for there child but you, you don't even care about your baby. you don't want to get the cure because your scared incase they tell you your dying again well guess what hayley you are dying and if you don't get this cure you will be dead in a month " Jeremy half shouted

" Don't you dare say I don't care about my baby, I love her more than anything in the world. I'll protect her from anything you know that " I said

" How can your protect her when your six foot under, your leaving your baby without a mom. All your doing is thinking about yourself and putting yourself first. you should be putting that baby inside you first. you are scared of dying who wouldn't be but there's a chance for you to live, for you to look after your baby and live happily with Taylor just take it before it's to later " he said

" Stop the car " I said

" What no " he said

" Stop the god damn car now " I shouted

" You know what fine " he said and pulled over. I got out the car and slammed the door.

My stomach started to hurt. i put my hand on my bump as I walked over to the wall

" Hayley " Jeremy said and got out the car

" Leave me alone " I shouted " ahhh." I said as I held my stomach

" Hayley what's happening " Jeremy said as he came closer to me

Next thing I knew my waters broke

" The baby's coming " I said

This heart will start a riot in meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon