Chapter 36

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Last chapter guys :(

6 months later

My baby bump was quiet big now. we don't know what we are having yet. we didn't want to know but now we do.

As far as the leukemia, I'm alright right now but that's because of the tablets. I have my good days and my bad days but it doesn't stop me having fun. all my family knows now and boy was it hard. I hated telling them all especially Mckayla. she broke down on me, it was horrible to see her life that it made my heart break Into millions of pieces.

Taylor's excepted the fact that I'm dying. he's still upset about it but he puts on a smile and is happy. we've had a great couple of months. we've been to Disneyland like 20 times, we've got married yes now I'm officially mrs York. we've done so many things together something that will be with Taylor forever even when I'm gone.

I looked out the window as we drove down the high way to the hospital. today I was going to get a scan to find out the sex of the baby and also to check on the leukemia.

Ain't it fun came on the radio which made me turn it up really loud. I sang along as Taylor pulled off the high way.

Once the song was finished I turned the radio down.

" God women you can sing even if you are 8 months pregnant " Taylor said

" Why thank you " I said


I lay on the bed waiting for the nurse to come in. I can't wait to see my baby again. it was amazing seeing a baby inside me. I was excited to find out the sex.

The door to the room opened and my usual nurse walks in

" Hey hayley how are you feeling today " she Asked as she out a pair of blue gloves on

" Excited to see what we are having " I said

" Today's the big day, this is going to be cold. I don't even know why I'm telling you this you already know." She said and put the gel on making me jump

" Yeah but it doesn't make it any better " I said

" god I know, I hated it when I was pregnant with my kids " she said and then put the wand thing on my belly

Our baby's heart beat filled the room. Taylor squeezed my hand as he looked at the screen.

" You see this little thing here " she said and pointed to screen

" Yeah " I said

" Well mrs york you are having a baby girl " she said

" Oh my gosh " I said as happy tears ran down my cheeks.

" We're having a baby girl " Taylor said happily

" Use sure are, your Baby is healthy, would you like some pictures." She said

" Yes please " I said

" Alright I'll go get them and you clean your self up " she said and handed me paper towels before leaving the room.

I wiped the gel off my stomach before pulling my top down. I swung my legs off the side of the bed and got off.

" I can't believe we're having a baby girl " Taylor said with a big smile

" Neither can I, "I said

A couple of minuets later the nurse walked in with the pictures.

" The doctor wants to see you, he's just down the hall, last door on the left " she said before we left

Great now to be told that the leukemia is getting worse. what a great way to ruin a perfect moment. we reached the end of hall and I knocked on the door

" Come in. " Doctor mc' taggert shouted

I opened the door and walked in with Taylor

" Take a seat please." He said

I took a seat across from him.

" Your not going to tell me that the leukemias got worse are you." I said

" actually the opposite, we think we've found a cure....

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