Chapter 14

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" Gabriella ? " I said surprised

" Oh hey Taylor " she said and then waved.

" So what do you want ? " I asked.

" I wanted to say sorry to you, I should never have kissed Taylor. I can clearly see use to are happy and I don't ever want to wreck what use have. use deserve to be happy together and I'm sorry I nearly wrecked it " she said and then walked away.

" I'm gonna go speak to her ill be two minuets " taylor said

" Remember this time don't kiss her " I said

" Hayley " Taylor said as he walked in front of me

" Sorry " I said before walking in to the living room.

Taylor's p.o.v

" Gab wait " I shouted as I ran down the path. she stopped and turned around

" What is it ?" she asked

" Why did you do that ? why didn't you tell her about last night ? " I asked

" Because what we did to hayley was stupid, that girl deserves to be happy and if it means that I'm not then so be it. I know you love her and she loves you and I'm not going to break use up, I'm not going to hurt hayley because she's a lovely girl and well she was there for me once when I had no one. " she said

" Thank you so much " I said

" I'm not doing this for you Taylor I'm doing this for hayley because if she ever found out it would destroy her and even though she may not like me I like her and I can't hurt her " she replied

" Well thanks anyway. " I said before running back into the house. I pulled hayley close to me and continued to watch the movie.


Next day

Hayleys p.o.v

I sat on the stage with Taylor waiting on Jeremy to come to rehearsal.

Our tour was starting in under 2 weeks and this week we have to get a set list put together. We are also telling Jeremy that we where back together and since last time didn't go well I'm nervous to tell him

" Hey guys " Jeremy said happily as he walked in

" Why you so happy ?" I asked

" Don't freak out but kats officially moving here " he said with a big smile

" Omg yay " i said happily

" Happy for you dude " Taylor said

" Thanks man " Jeremy said

" Jerm I have something to tell you " I said as I looked at the ground

" What's up " he said as he walked closer to me

" Me and Taylor are back together, please don't be mad at me I just I love him jerm and I know that you probably thinking I'm insane and I don't blame you but it was just a kiss and I don't ever want to Lose him " I said

Jeremy took my hand and I looked up at him " hayley I'm not mad at you why would I be I'm just happy that tayley is back together " Jeremy said happily

" Tayley for life " I said and lay my head on Taylor's chest.

This heart will start a riot in meOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant