Chapter 46

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" We have to get going now " he said as he got up slowly

" What where are we going ? " I asked as I stood up

" We need to go to Florida " he said

" No way, I can't " I said and sat back down

" Why ?" he asked

" I have a baby now chad and there's Taylor, I can't just drop everything and go. I don't mind helping you out but I can't leave my family " I said

" Please hayley it will only be for a couple of days. I really need your help to get out of this mess. I'll never come back near you again after this I promise " he said

" Fine I'll go with you but on the way you're gonna spill and tell me why you need my help " I said

" Ok, you should pack a bag " he said

I nodded my head and got up from my seat. I ran up the stairs and grabbed my back pack and started to pack some clothes and other stuff that I would need. once I was done I put my jacket and shoes on and then ran down the stairs. chad was in the living room looking at a picture. he looked up at me and smiled

" She's gorgeous hayley, what's her name ?" he asked as I walked over to him

" Hannah hayley York " I replied

" She looks just like you " he said before putting the picture back down on top of the fire place.

" I have to do something before we leave I'll be two minuets " I said before walking away into the kitchen.

I got a piece of paper and a pen

To Taylor

I'm away for a couple of days, don't get worried or anything. I know what your like you'll probably think someones kidnapped me or something. I'm away out of town to help a friend out with something so give Hannah kiss and cuddle from me and I'll see use when I get back.

Love use both xx.

I folded the piece of paper and wrote Taylor on the front if it. I put it on the kitchen table and then headed back into the living room where chad was.

" You ready to leave ?" He asked

" Yeah, are we driving ?" I asked

" Yeah well I can't but

Could you ?" he asked

" Sure let's go " I said and walked out into the hall. I picked my car keys up that where lying on the table and walked out the house with chad following behind me.

I unlocked the car and threw my bag in the back before i got into the drivers seat. Chad got in next to me, we both put our seat belts in before I drove out of the drive way and down the road.


We've been driving for about a hour now. we where just listening to the radio and talking about random stuff.

" So are you going to tell me why you need my help and why we're going all the way to Florida ?" I asked

" These guys are after me, I have a mate in Florida. he said he would help me out if I proved I had someone to live for. I told him that me and you where still together so he told me I had to bring you down to prove it " he said

" Are you kidding me, I thought you just needed money or something. this is messed up " I said

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you involved but your the only person I have left that will help me " he said

" What about your mom or your dad, why me ?" I said

" My mom and dad don't want anything to do with me in fact none of my family wants anything to do with me. you are the only person I have left and well I knew your would help me " he said

" How did you know I would help you, what if I said no " I replied as I came off the high way to get fuel and food

" because you have a good heart. your always helping people even when they've treated you like you where nothing. that's one of the reasons I fell in love with you " he said

I turned around seen he was starring at me " why are your starring at me " I asked

" Who wouldn't " he replied

" Hmm " was all I said.

We finally reached a gas station. I quickly filled the car up before we went in to get food. I picked up a basket and walked around the small store with chad following behind. I picked up about 3 packets of chips, about 4 candy bars and a huge chocolate bar oh and not to forget a huge bottle of cola.

" Really hayley " chad said

" What " I replied

" Do you really need that much junk ?" he asked

" yes actually " I said as I placed the basket on the counter.

" Your going to be so fat soon " he replied

I slapped him across the arm " hey " I said

" Now she's going to beat you up " the old lady behind the counter said

" Wanna join in ? I could use the help " I said

" Hey " chad said making me laugh

" Watch what your saying then " I replied

" That will be $7.10 please " the last said

I went into my jacket pocket and bright out $10 dollars " keep the change " I said

" I can't believe you spent $7 dollars on junk food that's only going to make you fat " chad Said as we began to walk out the store.

" Remember watch what your saying " I said as we walked over to the car

" I'll drive till the next stop for gas " chad said

" Cool time to blast the music " I said as I got in the car

" Oh no " chad said

" Are you trying to say I have bad music taste " I said

" Yes I am williams " he said

" Actually it's york " I said

" Fine then I am York " he said

" That's better but I don't have bad music taste " I said

" Well will see about that " he said before driving out the gas station.

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