Chapter 19

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I woke up in a back of an ambulance. I tried to get up but things were strapped around me keeping me tied to the bed.

" Honey it's alright your in a ambulance we are going to take good care of you " a lady said as she looked down at me.

I tried to reply back but I couldn't, I took the oxygen mask off but the lady put it back on. it was hard to breath and I was in so much pain.

I started to see back dots and then my vision went away all together

" She's going into unconsciousness again " was the last thing I heard before my hearing went as well.


I woke up in a hospital room. I had a drip in one hand and the other one was bandaged. My body was aching all over, my head was in so much pain, I just wanted to cry. I've never been in this much pain before.

The door opened and chad walked in. Why was chad here ? wheres Taylor ?

Oh yeah we aren't together anymore

" Why are you here." I asked, my voice was quiet and cracking.

" Finally your a awake. the doctors called me since I am your next of kin " he said as he sat next to me

" Wheres my mom ? " I asked

" I phoned her and told her you where here, she said that she doesn't care and that your no daughter of hers. I'm sorry hayles " he said

When he said that my heart broke even more. I'm surprised that i still have a heart after how many times it been broke in the last month.

" It doesn't matter " I said.

" Your mom shouldn't treat you like this she has no reason to. I know you cheated on me and well it hurt a little but I'm over it now and I can see your happy. why can't your mom " chad said a little annoyed

" I'm not happy " I admitted

" Why, I thought you and Taylor where in love ?"

" We where but we aren't together anymore, he cheated in me with his ex but hey Karma's a bitch I deserved it " I said

" You didn't deserve it hayles, you don't deserve to be hurt like that "

" Why I hurt you, Jeremy, my mom and Erica. why was a even born " I said as I looked down at the white cover on the bed

" Hayley don't ever say that, you where born for a reason. come here " he said then hugged me.

" Oh I see your awake miss williams " a man said probably my doctor. me and chad separated and I looked at the doctor. he looked over my notes and then looked up at me with a I-feel- sorry-for-you look on his face. " can you give us a minuet " he said to chad

" Sure " chad replied before leaving.

" I'm sorry to have to tell you this but you lost your baby in the accident " the doctor said

" What baby ?" I asked confused

" You didn't know. you where 7 months pregnant. you lost her in the car accident " he said

" Her, I was going to have a baby girl " I said with tears in my eyes

" Im so sorry " he said

" What's going to happen now ?" I asked

" We will induce you and you will give birth to her. " He said

I just nodded my head, I and no words to say. I had a baby girl in me and I didn't even know it and now I do I want her more than anything but I can't because she's gone and it's all my fault.


It was time to give birth to my baby girl. I had chad next to me and I held his hand as I pushed.

" Your doing great hayley only a couple more pushes and thats you. " The doctor said

I didn't want to push anymore, ladies who are giving birth are dying to push but I don't want to because I know as soon as the last push is done I won't have a baby to look after and love because my baby's gone.

I pushed a couple more times and that was me. I just wanted to hear her cry and know that I was going to hold her and she would look up at me but that wasn't going happen.

Chad wrapped his arms around me and I lay my head on his shoulder and cried a little as I watched the doctors take my daughter away from me.

" Do you want to hold her ? " A nurse asked, I looked up at her and nodded my head. she walked over to the other side of the room and lifted up my baby girl. she walked back over to me and lay my baby in my arms.

She was so still. I wanted her to just open her eyes and look up at me or hold my finger but she wasn't going to. She was tiny and looked so delicate. a couple of tears rolled down my cheeks as I moved the blanket away from her face. she was gorgeous, she had lots of brown and her eyelashes were so long.

" Do you want a piece of hair or maybe her foot print " the nurse said next to me

" Can I have both ?" I Asked not taking my eyes off the gorgeous baby that was lying in my Arms.

" Of course you can " she said and then walked over to the doctor

" Are you going to give her a name ?" chad asked

" Yes but I don't know what " I replied

I looked at her and I tried to think of a name to fit such a beautiful baby.

" Angel Lilly Williams " I said

" That's a perfect name " chad said

I looked up at him and then back down at angel.

" I'll take her now so I can get you a piece of her hair " the nurse said and then took her away from me.

I wanted to scream at her to bring her back but I knew I couldn't instead I lay my head on chad as he hugged me. it was nice to have someone there for me since my own family don't want me.

This heart will start a riot in meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن