Chapter 8

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I drove down the street not knowing where I was going. I had no clue where Taylor was but I wasn't giving up until I found him.

Right now I needed Jeremy more than anything but he hated my guts. I stopped the car at the side of the road and got out. I started to phone Taylor, my number was on withheld so he wouldn't know it was me

" Hello " he answered

" Taylor please don't leave me, I love you more than anything and yes I admit chad made me happy but you make me happier and complete. I love you t I really love you " I said with tears running down my cheeks.

" Hayley I need time to think stuff through " he replied

" What's there to think about, I'm standing here on the phone telling you that I love." I Said.

" Our argument earlier on, i don't know if I can do us anymore. just after what you said I don't know my minds mucked up " he said

" So your going to leave me alone, I have no one Taylor because I picked you. I lost my best friend, my mom, my sisters and now you. You know what you go and think, see when you come back who knows I might I have found someone who won't leave me over a stupid argument " I shouted and then hung up.

I got back in the car and started the engine. I drove down the road to Jeremy's. I needed him right now and who knows he might not be pissed at me.

I pulled up at his house and got out, I walked up the short path and knocked on his door.

He answered and pulled me straight into a hug.

" Hayles what's wrong ?" he asked once we stopped hugging

" Taylor he left, he said he needed to think about our relationship " I sobbed.

We walked into the living room and Sat down.

" Why ?" he asked

" Earlier on Taylor and me had a argument. he asked if I really was going to marry chad and I said yes during the argument I said I was happy with chad and Taylor asked why I was with him, I told him that I loved him more and then I stormed out " I said

" 2 mins " Jeremy said and then walked away into the kitchen

Jeremy's p.o.v

I walked into the kitchen and dialed Taylors number. I hated how Taylor and Hayley had a affair behind chads back but I can clearly see how much they love each other

" Hey dude I didn't think you would ever speak to me again " he answered

" I'm not gonna speak to you again if you don't come back for hayley. so what if she was happy with chad she's with you now. I hate knowing what you did to chad but hey it's done now but I Know that she loves you more than anyone she's ever loved. so you either get you butt over to mine and sort this out or you walk away and don't come back it's you choice " I said

" I can't jerm " he said

" There's no cants you can either comeback and be with the girl you love or you can run away like a girl " I said

" I'm sorry jerm I can't " he said before hanging up.

I phoned him again and he answered

" If you don't come back here then your out paramore " I half shouted

" I told hayley I needed time to think

Doesn't mean I'm not coming back " he said annoyed

" What's there to think about, your being selfish Taylor, yes she was happy with chad but I was happy with my ex girlfriends before kat but you don't see her running away do you " I said

"It's not just that, Gabriella text me saying that she shouldn't have broke up with me and she wants to be with me again. " he said

" The girl that broke you heart so many times, the girl who tossed you to the side and ran away with another man, the girl who treated your best friends like dirt " I shouted

" I love her jerm I have since she left but I also love hayley it's complicated that's why I need to think " he Replied

" So you get pissed at hayley because she was going to marry chad and she was once happy with him but here you are saying you love that bitch even though you love hayley. " I shouted

" Jeremy it's complicated right I need to think about all This " he said

" fine you go but don't you ever come back near me or hayley, your out paramore " I shouted and hung up.

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