Chapter 42

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A couple of days passed and it was finally time to take my baby girl home. I was terrified though, what if I did something wrong. What if she got ill and I didn't know what to do ?.

Your just being paranoid every new moms like this surely

I kept telling myself but it never helped. I started to dress Hannah in a white baby grow that had mommys little princess written on the front. she looked up at me and kicked her legs about.

" Your one active baby aren't you " I said

Hannah made a funny face at me making me laugh.

" What you laughing at ?" Taylor asked whilst he got Hannah's bag ready

" Hannah just made a funny face at me " I said as I lifted her up and put her in her car seat. I strapped her up carefully making sure not to hurt her.

" you ready ? " He asked

" Yeah you ?" I asked

" Yep now let's take our baby home, Jeremy's waiting on us outside " Taylor said

" Let's go " I said as I lifted the car seat up.


We where finally home,We lay in bed watching a movie whilst Hannah slept on Taylor's chest, it's the most adorable thing in the world just seeing Taylor lie there with Hannah on his chest.

I knew from the day I found out I was pregnant that Taylor would be amazing dad and he is. The way he holds Hannah, the way he looks at her. I'm glad I had a baby with Taylor because I wouldn't want anyone else to be the dad to my baby girl.

" I hope she has your eyes " Taylor said

" Why ? I what her to have yours " I replied

" Because your eyes are beautiful and I want our baby Girl to look like you " he replied

" Imagine she has your curly hair " I said as I looked down at Hannah who was still fast asleep on Taylor's

" she better not, it's a nigh mare. I want her to take after you " Taylor said

" Aw but it's cute your little Afros cute " I said

" Yeah right " Taylor said

" It is " I replied

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