Chapter 48

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A couple days passed and I was still in Florida. I've not switched my phone on since I left franklin a few days ago. I don't know why I'm still here. I should be home with my family not here.

I think Ive stayed because part of me wants to help chad but then the other part of me just wants to go home and leave him and tony to sort it out. right now I'm staying in a hotel. I've hardly been out, I've just been lying in bed all day and ordering room service.

For the past two days my minds be on chad not Taylor or Hannah, chad. I'm just scared incase he gets killed. I know I shouldn't have feelings for him but I do. I'm a married women with a baby and I'm falling for my ex all over again, how stupid am I ?.

When I left Tonys I Just drove for a while trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. I could either watch as the person I have feelings for dies or I can do something about it and help him.

I still haven't came to a decision though. it's not only me I have to think about now, I have a daughter and a husband at home. what if something happened to me, Hannah wouldn't have a mom and Taylor would have a wife.

It's such a mess if you ask me, I shouldn't have agreed to help chad from the start but something inside me urged me to. I didn't even think about Taylor or Hannah when I decided to help chad. what sort of mom does that make me. I didn't even think about my own daughter when I decided to come here to Florida.

I always have to help people I don't know why but I always have to. I've been like This since I was a kid and that's why I need to help chad even if it means putting my life at risk. I can't watch as the man I've spent so many years in love with die.

We have so many memories together and I don't want to lose him, I still want him to be in my life even if we are just friends. if I wasn't married to Taylor and had a kid then maybe just maybe I would have went back out with him but I can't .

I got up from my bed and walked over to the small set of drawers my phone was lying on. I picked it up and turned it on for the first time in 2 days. I then walked back over to the bed and lay back down.

My phone started to go crazy with miss calls, texts, twitter notifications and Instagram notifications. I also had a few voice messages so I decided to listen to them. 2 where from taylor, 1 was from Erica and the other was from Jeremy. I decided to listen to Erica's first

" Hayley where are you ? We are all so worried please just call one of us. we miss you so much " she said

I sighed before calling her.

" Hayley oh my god " she answered

" Hey Erica, listen I'm ok. I'm just out if town helping one of my friends for a wee while so don't get worried. " I said

" Where are you ?" she asked

" I'm in a hotel right now and after I speak to you I'm gonna order room service. " I said

" No like where are you are you still in Tennessee ?" she asked

" No I'm in Florida but you can't tell Jeremy or Taylor alright " I said

" Why ?" she asked

" Because they'll come looking for me and I don't want them to. I'll be a back soon ok don't tell Taylor or Jeremy I spoke to you. I love you bye " I said before hanging up.

I looked through my phone and noticed a strange number. that's when I remembered chad used my phone when we stopped off at a restaurant. that might be Tonys number. I decided to dial to see if it was it would save me going to his house to talk to him about helping chad.

" Hello " I heard a man say

" Hey is this tony " I asked

" Yeah is this hayley ? " He asked

" Yes, I need your help "

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