Chapter 32

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Taylors p.o.v

I looked at hayley as she stared at the doctor. her eyes wide with fear. a couple of tears rolled down her cheeks. she quickly turned around and looked away from both the doctor and me.

" I'm going to leave use both alone " the doctor said, I smiled at him and before he left the room

" Hayely " I said as I took her hand but she moved away

" Go away " she said

" Hayely please " I said as tears escaped my eyes

" Go away. " She shouted

I sighed and left the room. I got out to corridor. I walked over to the wall and stood against it. I slowly slid down it and put my head in my hands.

The love of my life has leukemia, something she might fight but there's also a chance that she could die. I can't sit and watch her die. Before I knew it I was crying and couldn't stop.

" Taylor " I heard Jeremy say. I looked up to see kat, Jeremy and bliss. " come on dude " Jeremy said and helped me up.

We walked down to the sitting room at the end of corridor. I sat down on one of the blue plastic chairs and put my head in my hands.

" T what's up ?" kat asked

" Is hayley ok ?" Jeremy asked

I looked up at Jeremy and shook my head.

" What's wrong with her, what's happened ?" Jeremy said

" She...she...has leukemia " I said as more tears escaped my eyes. Jeremy's eyes went wide.

" No she can have not our strong hayley." He said

" She's going to be ok right '' kat said

" I don't know she told me to go away. I'm scared guys, I'm scared that she will be gone forever " I said


Hayelys p.o.v

I heard the door to room open, I looked over to see kat and bliss. the doctor came and spoke to me about what's going to happen.

My bones should get better in the next couple of days. there going to give me lots of pills, some of then have chemotherapy in them and they'll hopefully take away the leukemia. It's going to be a while to try and fight it, it isn't going to happen over night.

" I'm so sorry hayles " kat said

" Let's not talk about it " I said

" How are you ?" she asked

" A bit better they gave me some pain relief for my bones so there not sore " I Said

" Are you sure you don't want to talk about it you know the leukemia " she said

" Can I hold bliss ?" I asked

Kat nodded her head and handed me bliss. I held her in my arms, she looked up me, she smiled and kicked her arms and legs.

" Haykey ?" kat said

" Yeah ?" I asked

" Do you want to talk about it ?" she asked

" The doctors are going to give me tablets with chemotherapy in them hopefully they'll take away the leukemia. they have me other tablets for different things. they said that the tablets won't make me lose my hair or do anything to stop me having kids. " I said

" Are you scared hayles ?" She asked

" I'm scared that the tablets won't work kat I'm scared incase I die. I'm scared about a lot of things but if I don't put a brave face on then I'll just breakdown and I don't want that. if this leukemia kills me I want to remember being happy not being miserable. I want to watch this little girl grow up " I looked down at bliss who was happily playing with my hair " she's going to be a amazing young lady one day and even if I don't get to see it, I knows she will make me proud. If I die I want to have happy memories for the last months I lived not miserable ones. so as soon as I'm out This hospital I'm going to Disney land and I'm going to have fun. This may be my last chance to have fun with people I love. it may be the last chance I'll ever get to see use again " I said

" Don't say that, your going to fight this Hayles your a fighter " she replied

" you never know what the future holds but if I die you have got to promise me that you won't cry and don't let Jeremy cry either. I want use to remember all the good times we've ever had and I want you to look after Taylor for me. make sure he lives a happy life for me alright. " I said

" Hayley " kat said

" I'm just saying what can happen and if it does. I need you to look after my dudes for me " i said

I hated thinking about if I died but I had to. these tablet might not help me and I need to prepare for it if they don't work. there's only a 50/50 chance they'll work plus the doctors aren't certain I'm getting the tablets yet. they have to look over my tests to make sure I can get chemo.

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