Chapter 43

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I've had Hannah home one night and I'm already exhausted. I think she woke up every 3-4 hours. I hated waking up during the night but I wouldn't change her for the world.

Today we where taking Hannah to see Erica and Mckayla. my mom was out of town today for a wee while so it was the perfect chance for my sisters to see there niece for a while.

Taylor got Hannah ready as I made up her bottles and diaper bag. I looked over at Taylor who was making funny faces to Hannah. they're just adorable. how was I ever so lucky to have a perfect husband and a perfect daughter.

I picked up Hannah's diaper bag and made my way out to the car. I opened the trunk and put it in before heading back into the house to see if Taylor was ready to bring Hannah out.

After a few minuets we where all in the car and heading to see my sisters


I sat in the place I once use to call home. it felt strange being back here. It felt like I was never her in the first place that I didn't even excise. the picture that used to sit on the fire place, the one with me and the guys was now gone. the picture of me and my dad when I was 4 was gone to. every little bit of me that ever sat in This house was now gone.

Hannah lay asleep in my arms, all this girl does is sleep but she's only a week old.

" Erica is there any pictures of me when I was a baby lying about ? " I asked

" Yeah I'll go get you them " Erica said and then headed up the stairs

" You know I got the highest score on my test in maths yesterday " mckayla said

" Well down sis, at least one Of us have brains in this family " I said

" You know I hope Hannah looks like you when she's older, she'll be really pretty if she does " Mckayla said

" Are you insinuating I'm ugly " Taylor said

" No, it's just Hayley's really pretty " mckayla replied

" I know, I want Hannah to look like her to " Taylor said

" aw guys, I want her to have Taylor's curly hair " I said

" No way " Erica said as she walked In to the living room. she handed me the pictures and I looked at them still holding Hannah.

" Oh my god hayley she's your double " Taylor said

" Oh my she is, what the hell. she looks like my twin" I said and handed Taylor the pictures

" That's scary " Erica said

" Well hayley is her mom she bound to look like her but I didn't think she would be your actual double " Taylor said

" Haha she is " I said

" And I'm pleased " Taylor said and kissed my head

" Guys get a room " mckayla said, Erica slapped her on the arm

" Sh there cute, tayley forever " Erica said making me laugh

The front door opened

" Who's that " I asked

" Girls I'm home " my mom said

" Shit " i said

Me and Taylor got up and I began to strap Hannah Into her car seat as Taylor got everything in her bag.

I looked up to see my mom.

" Hayley " she said

" We where just leaving " I said as I picked up the car seat

" Oh my god hayley she your double " my mom said acting all nice funny that I don't give a shit

" Bye girls, I'll see use soon alright. remember use can always pop around to ours. love use " i said before leaving

I put Hannah in the car making sure she was safe.

" Hayley wait " my mom shouted

I closed the car door and looked at her " why ? So you can try act all nice " I said

" I'm sorry for the way I treated you I really am " she said

" I needed you when my daughter died. I had to go throw hell without a mom. I literally broke, I tired to kill myself and the one person I needed the most didn't give a toss about me and now your here saying sorry well guess what It does to change a thing " I said

" Hayley please " she said

" No, I'm done with you, I don't need a mom who wasn't there for me when I needed her the most " I said before getting in the car

This heart will start a riot in meNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ