Chapter 18

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After leaving Taylor I went a walk and when I say a walk i mean a long walk. I walked along the river Thames. I got stopped by fans on a few occasions so I put a fake smile on and took pictures with them.

Even though I was sad and pissed off I didn't want our fans to miss out. some of there dreams are to meet us and if I walked away from them and ignored them what kind of person would that make me.

After walking for about 2 hours I decided to turn around and head back to the bus. I'm going to pack all my stuff and go back to franklin. I know I was going on about how I didn't want our fans to miss out but I can't be on stage with Taylor for a hour and act like everything's ok when really it's the exact opposite.


When I got back, Taylor and Jeremy where sitting eating cereal. I walked straight past them to my bunk and started to pack.

" What are you doing ?" Jeremy asked from the door way

" Leaving " I replied

" Hayley you can't just leave we have a show tonight " he replied

" Cancel it then."

" Why are you being like This " he asked

" Taylor hasn't told you has he " I said

" Told me what ?"

" That idiot in there slept with Gabriella and he didn't even tell me it was Marcus you told me " I said as I folded my clothes

" We weren't together when I slept with her so I don't see what the big deal is " Taylor shouted from the front of the bus.

I pushed past Jeremy and stood in front of Taylor " so we weren't together but if you loved me the teeniest bit you wouldn't have done it. you wrecked that we had, you wrecked everything, you still have your family, me I have no one and it's all your fault. I wish you where dead " I shouted before going to my bunk and packing quickly.

Once I was finished packing I grabbed my case and left the bus. Jeremy followed behind me

" Hayley don't you think that was a bit harsh saying you wish he was dead " Jeremy said behind me

" No, I wish he was dead, I gave up everything for him, I gave up my sisters the 2 people who need me the most. I did it for him and here we are me heart broken and him not giving two stuffs. I don't care if he's alive or not anymore I have so much hatred towards him that I don't give a damn about what happens to him and if you don't like the way I think about him then go stay with that cheating bastard " I said as I walked. Jeremy grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him

" Hayley Nichole Williams don't you dare speak to me like that, I know your hurting and believe me I know how your feeling but you don't ever tell someone you wish the were dead even If you hate them. what Taylor did was wrong I get it but saying that to him just makes you go to his level " Jeremy said angrily

I pulled my arm out of his hold " does this face look like it cares. I wish he was dead alright and I mean it nothing's going to change it " I half shouted

" Wheres my best friend gone the one who's kind and caring who never says anything like This " Jeremy shouted

" She's gone and she not coming back get used to it or get lost it's as simple as that " I shouted

" You know what hayley you go back to franklin, I've had enough of your crap Taylor deserves better than you "

" You better tell the next girl that he's a cheater you know incase he breaks her heart as well " I shouted before walking away.


Next day

I was back in franklin. I arrived late last night and just went to sleep, well tried to. my mind kept going back to what happened in London reminding me what Taylor did.

After finishing my breakfast I put my bowl in the sink. I then walked into the living room and grab my bag and jacket and then left. I put both my earphones in and walked down the road.

I was going to see my mom and sisters, I knew that when I told my mom about Taylor she was going to go I told you so or I knew he wasn't right for you but hey she was right.

I don't regret anything I said yesterday, I don't regret the way I spoke to Jeremy and I defiantly don't regret telling Taylor I wished he was dead. that may make me a bitch but I don't care right now and I probably won't ever care.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I brought it out and seen a text from Jeremy

The way you spoke to me yesterday was ridiculous all I'm ever doing is helping you and trying to see the stuff you have done wrong but all I get is attitude or grief. right now I don't where our friendship stands. I don't even know if i want to be friends with you anymore. your like a sister to me and now I just can't stand to be around you. I hope you have thought about what you done yesterday and know that the way you acted was awful.

I was going to reply back but all I heard was a bang as my body collided with a car sending me over the hood and smashing the wind screen. My body slowly slid down the hood and I fell to the hard concrete road knocking me unconscious.

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