Chapter 11

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I lay on my bed and stared at the celling. I really missed t nothing's the same now.

All this over a stupid kiss but he kissed her back though. he chose to kiss her back, I bet I never even crossed his mind.

You know what's bugging me the most is kicking him out paramore. Paramore is his life and I shouldn't have kicked him out just because of us not getting along but then if he was in the bad it might cause fights. Do you see my dilemma

My phone started to ring bringing me out if my thoughts. I picked it up off my bedside table and answered it.

" Hello " I answered

" Hey hayles " kat said

" Het kat " he replied

" What's up ?" she asked

" Taylor " I said as I sat up

" What's he done now ? " She asked, kat was in England so she didn't know

" He kissed his ex girlfriend " I said

" No way what did you do ? "

" I broke up with him and told him he was no longer part of paramore "

" Wow I know what he did was wrong but don't you think that throwing him out paramore is a bit extreme " she said

" That's what I was just thinking, if he's in paramore then all we will do is argue but then if he isn't then paramore isn't the same. I really don't know what to do " I said

" I think you have to put your differences apart for paramore and let him back in, I'm not saying that use should date I'm justing saying be nice to each other " she said

" I suppose your right, thanks kat I love you " I said

" And I love you to my little fire haired friend " she said

" I'll speak to you soon ok, right now I have to get paramore back to normal " I said

" Alright I'll speak to you soon bye." She said and then hung up.

I got up from my bed and looked out the window, it was pouring a rain. I put my jacket on and slipped my doc martens on before running down the stairs and out the house.

I loved it when it rained, I loved to just walk in it and not care how wet I got. I started to walk to Taylor which was only 10 minuets away.

I skipped down the hill and a couple of kids stared at me. I stopped and laughed at the way they looked at me. I couldn't help but act like a kid in the rain.

I reached Taylor's house and knocked

On his door. he answered, he wast still in his pajamas, his hair was a mess and he had a sleepy expression on his face which made him look cute.

Remember your still pissed at him. I thought to myself

" Hayley " he said surprised

" I just came round to tell you that you back in the band " I said before I turned away and went to walk down the path

" What about us ?" he said behind me

I turned around and looked at him " let's just take it a step at a time " I said before walking down the path.

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