Chapter 41

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Next day

I watched as Taylor paced up and down the room with Hannah feeding her. I still haven't told him about taking the cure. I've just been so tired. it doesn't help that I need to get up during the night to feed Hannah, Taylor helps though but I still get woken up.

I continued to watch Taylor with Hannah. the way he looked at her, you could tell that he loved her more than anything.

" Taylor " I said

" Yeah babe ?" he replied whilst he put Hannah back in crib.

" I need to talk to you about something " I said

" Is something wrong ?" he asked as he sat on the chair next to me

" no, it's about that clinical trial " I said

" What about it ?" he asked

" I'm going to do it, it might work and it might not but I have to take the chance. Hannah needs her mommy" I said as I looked at Hannah who was kicking her legs about.

She was only 3 weeks early. the doctor checked her over and said that she was really healthy for being early. so she doesn't need to be in a incubator but the doctors have to check her every couple of hours to see if she's ok and if they need to out her in a incubator.

" That's great hayles " Taylor said and then gave me a hug.

The door to the room opened. me and Taylor stopped hugging and turned to see who it was. it was Erica, mckayla, Jeremy, kat and biss

" Hey guys " I said

" aww " they all said when the seen Hannah except bliss.

" She's a beauty " Erica said as she took her tiny hand

" I can't believe I'm a aunty " Mckayla said standing next to Erica

" Well I got to see her first haha " Jeremy said

" Actually I got to see her first so haha " I said

" damn it "Jeremy said

" Can I hold her ?" Erica asked

" Sure let me just get her " Taylor said as he walked over to Hannah. he lifted her up carefully and lay her in Erica's arms.

" She's perfect " Erica's said as she looked down and Hannah

" That's because she takes after mommy " Taylor said

" Aw she takes after her daddy as well " I said

After everyone got to hold Hannah they gave her to me. She lay in my arms asleep. I looked down at her as everyone spoke

" What about paramore ?" I heard Jeremy said

I looked up at him " what do you mean ?" I asked

" Well your you know dying what's going to happen to paramore ? " He said

" I'm taking the cure, it might work which means I'll still be here and paramore will still be a band " i said

" I'm glad you changed you mind hayles. life wouldn't be the same without you " Jeremy said

" Wait so you might be able to live if it works ? " Erica asked

" Yep. " I said

" So I might get to have my sister forever " she said happily

" Remember it might not work so no one get your hopes up. " I said

" It's hayley guys we all knows she's gonna beat cancer ass " Jeremy said

" That's so true " McKayla said

" Guys come on you know it might not work and I don't want to go through everyone being upset again " I said

" Shh it will work, it has to work " Taylor said

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