Chapter 25

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When I finally stopped cutting my arm was soaked in blood and there was drips of blood on the floor. I felt really dizzy probably because of the amount blood I've lost.

I started to get light headed, my vision was going funny and I started to get more dizzy. next thing I knew it was all back.


Taylor's p.o.v

I sat on the couch watching soccer with Justin. My mind kept drifting to Hayley. I missed her so much, it wasn't the same without her next to me. The way she would lie on the couch and lay her head on my lap as we watched tv. I would play with her short orange hair as she kept her eyes glued on the tv.

" You alright bud ?" Justin asked

" Sure " I said

" Your thinking about angel aren't you ?" he asked

"Actually no, I'm thinking about hayley, I have a feeling. I don't no what sort of feeling but I have a feeling and it's bugging me. its like I shouldn't have left hayley alone or something, I don't know " I said

" She'll be fine Taylor she's a big girl. she probably enjoying her peace and quiet. you need to stop worrying little bro " he said

" But I can't jay. I have a feeling and I know it won't go away till I go and see her. I'll be back in a while but if I'm not just let your self out " I said and then got up

" Your over reacting " he shouted before I left the house.


I got to hayleys and parked my car. I got out and walked out the path. her car was in the drive way which meant she was in. I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer.

But she never

I knocked again hopping that she would answer this time.

But she never.

I tired the door Handle and it was open so I went inside. When I went in all the lights were off and the blinds where all closed, it was freezing as well.

I walked Into the living room and looked about for hayley but she wasn't there. her phone was lying on the table though. she doesn't go anywhere without her phone not even the next room. so why was her phone lying on the table ?

I pushed the worrying thoughts aside and continued to look about down the stairs for her but she wasn't there. I ran up the stairs and into her bedroom but she wasn't their either.

I walked out the bedroom and turned around to see hayley passed out in the bathroom with her hand covered in blood

I ran over to her and knelt down beside her

" Hayley wake up " I said as I shook her gently

But she just stayed so still

" hayley please you have to wake up, you can't leave me hayles " I said still shaking her. I had tears running down my cheeks and I was shaking like crazy.

She started to move slightly and then she opened her eyes. she tried to lift her head but she couldn't.

" Thank god " I said as I moved her hair out her eyes

" I'm fine t " she said weakly

" No your not. Your a wreck hayles " I said calmly

" T I'm fine just help me up " she said

Sighing I sat her up watching not to hurt her arm. she fell back into my arms.

" I'm phoning a ambulance " I said and brought my phone out my jacket pocket

" Don't you dare I'm fine " hayley said

Hayleys p.o.v

" Hayley your not fine " Taylor said

" Yes I am, i just got a little light headed " I said

I was still feeling lightheaded and my arm was killing me.

" Why did you do it ? Why did you cut after being clean for nearly 8 years " he said

" Because I wanted to take the pain away. I wanted to be with her, have her back in my arms. " tears rolling down my cheeks as I spoke

" I shouldn't have left you alone " Taylor said as he pulled me into a hug

" I'm so sorry t. I'm so sorry for letting you down " I cried

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