Chapter 20

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Later that night I lay awake thinking about angel. my little girl who could have had a life but i took it all away from her. if I was paying attention and not listening to music she would still be here.

I looked over to chad who was sleeping on the chair. I made sure he was fully a sleep before I swung my legs off the bed and walked out of the room.

I walked down the long corridor and up a set of stairs. I got to where I was going. I looked in the glass windows at all the babies who where asleep in there incubators. some of them had tubes attach to then and some of them where tiny just like angel.

I stood for a while just watching as the nurse held them if they cried or she would feed them. I watched for a few more minutes before heading back to my room. when I got there chad was awake, he looked relieved when he saw me.

" Where did you go ? " He asked as I got back Into bed

" A walk " I replied.

" Are you ok ?" He asked as he walked over and sat at the edge of the bed

I nodded my head as I picked up the small clear bag that had a piece of angels hair in it. I looked at it, she had the same hair color as me when I was little. she sort of looked like me to.

" don't get mad at me but is she mine or Taylor's ? "Chad asked

" She's Taylor's " I replied

" alright I was just checking " he said before going back to the chair and sitting down. I turned around and tried to go to sleep.


I woke up the next day and chad was missing. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 12pm. I'm surprised I slept this long but then again I did wake up every hour because all I kept dreaming about was angel.

I turned around and looked out the window. it was a sunny day and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I stared out the window for a while but I got interrupted by someone opening the door I turned around expecting to either see chad or a doctor but it was the was Jeremy and Taylor.

" Hayley are you alright '' Jeremy said as he rushed over to me.

I didn't know whether to break down and cry or tell them to leave. part of me wanted them to stay but part of me had so much hatred towards Taylor that I just wanted to shout at him but then again all I wanted was him to hold me and tell me everything's going to be ok.

I didn't get to chose I just broke down and cried. Jeremy pulled me into a hug and I cried Into his chest. Once I stopped crying I broke the hug. I looked at Taylor who was standing at the door awkwardly.

" T " I said.

He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. " I'm so so sorry hayles " he said as he pulled me Close

" I'm so sorry Taylor I'm sorry i killed our little girl " I said as tears rolled down my cheeks

" Hayley it wasn't your fault, don't blame yourself " he said as he held me close

"It is, I was listening to music I should have payed attention to the road I'm so so sorry t " I said as I cried more

" Can I see her ? " He asked

" Can you go get a doctor ?" I Asked Jeremy, he nodded his head and walked away out the room

A couple of minuets later the doctor came in

" Is everything ok hayley ?" he asked

" Can me and Taylor go see angel ? " I asked

" Of course I'll show to the room " he said


I watched as Taylor held angel in his arms. He was crying as he looked down at our tiny baby.

" She's gorgeous hayles. " He said

" I called her angel Lily williams but we can change the second name to York." I said as I walked over to Taylor

" That's a perfect name for our perfect little princess " Taylor said and then kissed the top of her head

" I'm so sorry t for everything. " I said

" No hayley I'm sorry I shouldn't have slept with Gabriella. I know your never going to take me back after what if did but I will always be here for you " Taylor said

" I need you more than anything right now t and I'm probably stupid for taking you back straight away but I don't care I need you and you need me to get through this " I replied

Hey guys, so what have you thought about the last 2 chapters ?

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