Chapter 39

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I lay on a hospital bed, the contractions where getting closer together meaning my baby was getting closer to being born. it was to early for her, she's got a month left to be inside me.

" I need Taylor " I said to Jeremy who was walking about the room with bliss.

Another contraction started and I bit my lip as tears escaped my eyes.

" I need Taylor I need him " I said after the contraction ended.

" He'll be here soon hayles " Jeremy said as he walked up to me and took my hand

A couple minuets later my nurse walked in just as my contraction finished.

" Hey hayley how are you feeling " she asked as she put a pair of gloves on

" In pain." I replied

" Alright, I'm going to see if you have dilated since the last time i saw you " she said and I nodded my head

" I'm gonna go call Taylor I'll be back in a minuet " Jeremy said before walking out the room with bliss

The nurse examined me

" You have dilated one bit since I last saw you. how close are your contractions ? " She asked

" A couple of minuets apart " I said

" I need to call the doctor, I'll be back soon " she said before leaving.


4 hours into labour and still no Baby. I held on to Taylor hand as another contraction came

" It's ok baby just squeeze my hand " Taylor said

" It's so sore t, I can't do it no more I have to push " i said

" Hayles you can't push " Taylor said

" I have to " I said

The nurse walked into the room

" I'm going to check and see if you've dilated anymore " she said before examining me.

After a few minuets she took her gloves off and through them in the bin

" Your still the same " she said

" What does this mean ?" Taylor asked

" It means I need to call the doctor and tell him " she said

The monitor in the room started to beep and all eyes went to it. the nurse stood there and shook her head

" Her blood pressures going down and so is the baby's heart beat " she said

" What's going to happening ?" Taylor asked

" We need to take her to theater now " she said, she ran to the door and shouted on another nurse.

The voices around the room started to get deeper and quieter. The room started to spin around as nurse clutched my shoulders

" Stay with me hayley " she said

I wanted to give up I couldn't do this anymore, I couldn't stand the pain. I was so tired and I could feel my self drifting to sleep. suddenly I heard Taylor's voice

" don't you dare give up on me hayles, you can't give up on me. we've came so far and we have thought so much to have this life, you will not give up do you understand me " he yelled

Suddenly a group of people crowded around me and transferred me to another bed. I opened my eyes and looked at Taylor. Tears started to roll down my cheeks

"I'm sorry, I love you." I whispered

Another doctor came form behind me and put a mask over my face " I need you to take deep breaths Hayely, This will help you relax." He said

With the mask on my face I looked over and Jeremy. who was holding bliss tight.they started to wheel me out the room but I wouldn't let go of Taylor's hand.

" Don't worry baby, I'll be with you, I'll be right next to you " he said

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