Chapter 51

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Finally it was time for my plan to unfold. I stood looking at the gun that lay on the bed. I picked it up and slipped it in the back of my jeans. I pulled my top over it and then went to look in the mirror.

Was I really going to do this ?

Once I checked that I was fine I went back over to the bed. I started to put all my stuff away in my back pack. I came across a picture of Hannah. I can't wait till this is all over and I get to see her again and Taylor. I really miss them actually I miss most of my family.

Once I was finished packing I headed out of the hotel room and down to the lobby. I waited in a sort line so I could pay for my room. I quickly payed the girl behind the desk and then headed out for my car.

I threw my bag in the back of the car and then got in. I started the engine and then began to drive away. First I had to go to the bank and then I have to go to Tonys.

I pulled up outside the bank. I grabbed my bag and went inside. it was really quiet so I was took straight away.

" Hello how can I help you " the woman behind the counter asked

' Is it possible for me to take out 3 thousand dollars ?" I asked

" It is but you must have id on you " she said

" Will my drivers license do ?" I asked

" That will do fine " she replied

I went into my bag and brought out my drivers license. I slid it under the glass. the lady picked it up and looked at it before giving me it back

" Alright do you have your back card. " She asked

" Yeah " I said and then brought it out my bag.

" Alright if you stick it in the card reader and put your pin in " she said

I put the card in and quickly typed in my pin. once I was done I looked at the women. her eyes went wide as she looked at the screen.

" Is there a problem ?" I asked

" No it's just how much money you have. id love to have that much " she replied

"Oh right can we speed things up cause I have to be somewhere in ten minuets " I said

" Uh yeah I'll just go get your money " she said before walking away up the back of bank.

A couple minuets later she was back with the money. She handed me it and I put it in my bag. I then took my card and left the bank. once I was back at my car I threw my bag in the passenger seat and then got in. Now to go to Tonys and get this mess sorted


I finally arrived at Tonys. I took the money out of my bag and put it in my inside jacket pocket.i zipped my jacket up before I got out the car. I walked up Tonys path and knocked on his big Wooden door.

He answered and let me straight in.

" You got it ?" he asked

" Yep " I said, I unzipped my jacket and then threw the money to him.

He caught it and smiled " the guys will be here it two minuets so just make your self at home " he said

" Cool." I said and then began to walk away but I stopped " tony " I said

" Yeah ?" he replied

" This will all work out right ?" I asked

" Yeah stop worrying. it's all under control " he said

I nodded my head before walking into the living room and sitting down. Tony followed behind me but he went Into the kitchen. I put my head in my hands as I waited for the guys to come. I was beyond nervous. I have never done this before and I actually never thought I would but hey you never know what the future holds.

A few minuets later there was a knock at the door. tony walked into the hall and I followed behind him. he opened the door revealing the guys who where after chad. they all looked like snack heads, they looked dirty and disgusting.

" Where is he " one of them shouted as he barged past tony

" He isn't here " i said

" What, use told me he would be here where the fuck is he " he shouted at me

" I don't know but we brought out here to try and sort it out like adults. " I said

" God she's new to this shit " a guy said behind the one who just shouted at me

" Yes I'm new but I'm smart and I know how use work so use are going to listen to me and use better listen good. you will not kill chad, I will give you money to pay of chads debt. " I said

The man came charging towards me, he backed me up in a corner. his breath smelt like cigarets it was disgusting.

" Listen to me little girl, you will not speak to me like that. you have no clue what I could do to you so if I were you I would be a good girl and go sit in the living room and let the men deal with it " he whispered to me.

I pushed him out the way and walked over to tony where I felt safe.

" Listen to me you waste of space, you will not speak to me like I'm one of your whores. you can't boss me about and you can't threaten me. " I shouted

" Should we see about that say good bye " he said as he brought a gun out my eyes went wide and I froze. he pulled the trigger, I saw the bullet come towards me but I couldn't move.

I kept my eyes on the bullet it kept getting closer and closer. next thing I saw was someone dive in front of me. I looked down to see tony who's white shirt soaked in blood

" Tony " I shouted

" Get her " one of the men shouted. I began to run down the hall. The front door opened and I froze.

god please no it can't be chad.

The man who was chasing me caught me and pulled me back to the guys. chad stood with the other guys. 1 of them where holding on to him tight. I tried to get out the mans hold but I couldn't. He kicked a door open and threw me inside the room. he walked in after me and shut the door before looking it.


Chads p.o.v

" Hayley " I screamed as I tried to get the out the guys hold but I cousins they where to strong.

" Stay still or it will be worse on her " the guy said behind me

I still tried to get out his hold, I had to get hayley away from these guys. I knew what they where like and hayley shouldn't be here.

" Hayley " I shouted again

All I heard was hayleys scream echoing throughout the house and then there was a gun shot.....

The end :)

Can believe this book is over :(

This heart will start a riot in meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن