Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I picked my phone off the

Bedside table and answered it

" Hayley " Erica said whilst crying

" Erica what's wrong ?" I asked her

" Mom she told me I couldn't speak to you again Or see you '' she sobbed

" I'm sorry honey i wish I could do something about it but when your 18 we can see each other since your a adult then you can make your own decisions " I replied

" I can't wait a year and not see you, I miss you so much and mckayla is crying to. she's a state hayley you have to do something "

" Sweetie there's nothing I can do I'm really sorry but it's mom you have to talk to. I love you's alright and I'm always here for you's. " I said

" I miss you hayles, we love you so much " Erica said before hanging up.

I looked over to Taylor who was looking at me concerned.

" What's the matter ?" He asked

" Erica called my mom told them that they weren't aloud to see me anymore and there a state. I can't do anything about it and it hurts so much to here them like that " I replied

" I know babe. your mom will come around soon, she won't stay mad long " Taylor said then pulled me close.

" I just miss the girls, I want to just go over and hug them but I can't and I feel like a terrible sister " I said as I lay me head on Taylor's chest

" Your the best big sister there is and the girls know that. it's not your fault that your moms being a bitch about us dating "

" I hate my mom so much."


Next day

I lay on the couch as Taylor got ready. Today we where heading to Taylor's dads. I've met ts dad millions of times but today was different. since my mom and Jeremy knew me and Taylor where dating, Taylor decided that we should tell his dad as well. to be honest I was pretty nervous about telling him. Since Jeremy and my mom never took it good I was scared incase peter did the same.

" Hayles that's me come on " Taylor said from the hall. I got off the couch and followed him out to the car. I got in and put my seat belt on. I stared out the window as Taylor reversed out of the drive way.

" I'm nervous t " I said as we drove down the road

" It will be fine babe. " Taylor replied

" God I hope so. " I mumbled


We sat in peters house. I looked at the floor as Taylor told him.

" That's brill news son I'm so happy for use both somehow I always knew use would be together " peter said. I sighed in relief and looked up.

" Thanks dad not everyone is as happy as you " Taylor said

" Aw why ?" he asked

" Because me and Taylor had a affair whilst I was dating chad. " I said

" Oh " was all peter said.

Taylor took my hand and held on to it tight.

" Your not mad at us are you ?" Taylor asked

" I can't say I'm pleased about it but all I can say is if 2 people are meant to be together they'll find there way to be together " peter said

" Well my mom hates me and Jeremy hates us. " I said

" They'll understand in there own time. your mom will be a bit disappointed because you cheated on chad but she has to understand that your a adult and your bound to make mistakes " peter said

" I just don't get why Jeremy's upset " Taylor said

" I don't know either but he's your bestfriend and he won't be able to stay mad at use for long " peter said

" I know that's our jerem for you " I said

" Dad we're gonna head this now but we'll be back soon " Taylor said as he got up

" Alright son " peter said as he got up and gave Taylor a hug. I stood up and hugged peter before taking Taylor's hand and leaving. we got in the car and drove away.

" See that wasn't bad was it " Taylor said as he concentrated on the road

" Nah, you dads cool though " I replied

" Well thank you, does that mean I'm cool since he's my dad ?" He asked

" Nope your a dork " I said

" Why are you always mean to me ? " He asked

" I'm not mean, I'm just stating the truth " I replied

" Alright then let me state the truth, your spongebobs sister " Taylor said

" Do I look yellow ?" I said

" No but your teeth " Taylor said and then Burst out laughing

" Hey it's not my fault my teeth have a gap. " I said

" I know babe but still your spongebobs sister " Taylor replied

" Yeah yeah dork " I said

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