Chapter 9

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Hayleys p.o.v

Jeremy walked into the room and sat next to me.

" He's not coming back is he ?" I asked

" Well he's coming back but not right now, I told him he was out parmaore hayles " he said

" Why would you do that we need him Jeremy we have a show in a couple of days " I said a bit annoyed

" Hayley it's alright we will find another guitarist, I have a friend who could do it. Taylor wasn't going to be here anyway. " he replied

" Why is he away, I have a feeling that it's not because of our argument, is there another girl ? " I asked

" Hayley he " Jeremy paused and looked at the ground for a few seconds before looking at me again " Gabriella text him, she told him that she made a mistake with breaking up with him and she wanted him back. Taylor told me he still loved her but he loved you to and he doesn't know what to do so he left to think " Jeremy said

I couldn't believe what he said. a couple of tears rolled down my cheeks but I quickly wiped them away.

" Come one we're going to Gabriella's. " I said as I got up

" Hayley, just leave it Taylor's gone '' Jeremy said behind me

" I know but I just want to talk to Gabriella, you can come with me or you can stay here. either way I'm going " I said and then made my way to the front door

" I'm coming to " Jeremy shouted and then ran after me


We got to Gabriella's house. I got out the car and Jeremy followed me as I walked up the path

" I have a feeling that letting you come here was a bad idea a very bad idea " Jeremy said behind me

" Jerm I just wanna talk to her " I said as I walked up to the door and knocked on it.

Her sister answered

" Hey is gab there " I asked as if me and Jeremy where her friends

" She's in her bedroom with a boy but I suppose use could go up " she said and then let us in. me and Jeremy ran up the stairs and had no clue which room was Gabriella's. I looked at Jeremy and then opened a door and It was her room but I wish I never opened it

There she was with Taylor kissing.

" So you need time to think more like you wanted to be with her " I shouted

Taylor pushed Gabriella off of him

" Hayley it's not like that '' Taylor said

" That's what they all say Taylor, it wasn't like that, she came on to me. all you guys are the same cheating bastards " I shouted

" She kissed me '' Taylor shouted

" But you never pushed me away because you can clearly see I'm better for you " Gabriella said with a smirk on her face.

I charged forward to hit her but Taylor grabbed me and pulled me away

" Get your hands off me." I shouted

" Get off her " Jeremy half shouted as he got me out of Taylor's hold.

" Your dead bitch get it I will kill you." I shouted to Gabriella who was standing playing with her hair

" That's a threat I could get you charged for that " she said

" Go on do it " I said as Jeremy held me back

" No gab please don't do it she's just a little angry " Taylor said

" You shut up, go on do it see if I care" I shouted

" Gab don't she's not thinking straight " Taylor said

I got out of Jeremy's hold and walked towards Taylor " what do you not get about shut up, I don't need you fighting my battles in fact I don't need you at all. I should have stayed with chad at least he treated me better " I said to him

" Hayley you don't mean that, I came over here to tell her that I didn't want to be with her and she kissed me just before you came in. I had no time to push her off " he said

" I do mean it, I loved you Taylor but all you did was break my heart into millions of pieces. I hate you, I really hate you." I said as hit him on chest as I cried. he tried to pull me into a hug but I pushed him way

" hayley " Jeremy said as he turned me around and pulled me Into a hug. I got out of Jeremy's hold and turned around to face Taylor

" You are out paramore for good, don't you ever come near me again. your dead to me " I shouted at him before I walked out the room and left

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