Chapter 27

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It was the next day. Taylor stayed over last night and he's staying over tonight again. he's gonna have to go home sometime and I don't know how I'll be. I don't know if I'll be normal or just the same as last night.

I need to learn that angles never coming back and that I have to at least try and be normal. it's easier said than done though.

Taylor's acting like normal but I know deep down that it's killing him. he puts a smile on and acts like his usual self but there's times I can tell he's hurting and it hurts me so much to see the pain that he's going through. I just wish I could take it all away from him but I can't.

I need to put a fake smile on and try and act like things are ok. we have tour in 4 days and I need to be normal for that, I can't break down on stage In front of thousands of fans. I need to be brave and go out on that stage and act like I was a month a go in Europe.

If Taylor can do it then I can. I'm not the bravest person in the world and I will easily break down like I was all those years ago but Taylor gives me hope that if he can do it then I can to. after all angel was his daughter as well.

" Hayles " I heard Taylor say bringing me out of my thoughts

" Mm" I replied

" Wanna go out maybe to the cinema or just a walk in the countryside ?" He said

" Let's go a walk " I said and then got up. Taylor followed behind me as I made my way out to the car.


Taylor parked the car and we got out. I walked over to Taylor and took his hand as we began to walk up the countryside road.

When we where kids we used to just walk here mostly just me and t. I knew there was something special about him back then. I remember the time that we sat down in a field and just talked about life.. we must have only been about 16 and 14.

I ended up kissing him but after that I ran away. yep Hayley Williams ran away are use shocked. I don't know why probably because he was my best friend and I was dating josh.

God for the next 2 weeks it was really awkward between us. I dunno from that day there was something about t. he was special to me. more special than any of the other guys and to this day he still is.

He's my everything and even though we've had our ups and downs, im never leaving him. people will say I'm crazy for staying with him after he cheated on me well you know what I say it's none of your business.

I think losing angel made me and Taylor stronger. I think as long as we have each other we can get through anything. We may get hurt but one things for sure is we will always have each other to get through it. so you know what world throw whatever you want at us because you know what we can and we will get through it.

" Hayles I Love you so much " Taylor said

" I love to t more than you'll ever know " I replied

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