Chapter 23

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After the funeral we went out for dinner with some of the family. I didn't feel like eating, all I wanted to do was go home but I came so I could spend sometime with my dad before he went back to Cali.

Everyone sat with there plates half empty where as mine was full and not touched. I picked at my chicken but I never ate it.

" You need to eat something babe you haven't ate anything in 3 days " Taylor whispered so no one could here

" I'm not hungry t that's why I haven't ate " I said as I pushed my untouched plate away.

Taylor sighed and begin to eat the rest of his dinner.

" Are oh alright dear " my gran asked who was sitting across from me.

" Not really but I will be soon. so don't you worry about me alright " I replied

" I can't help but worry dear. your like a daughter to me. I've watched you grow up and be a beautiful lady and I promise you that your time will come to have a baby. god didn't think that right now was the right time for you to have your baby but I bet he has other plans for you " she said as she reached over and took my hand

" I don't want him to have other plans for me, I just want my baby girl back " I said as tears stung the back if my eyes.

" I know your feeling darling, I lost a baby as well. I had her in me for nine whole months and when it came to giving birth to her I found out that she died and I had to give birth to her. it was the most painful thing I ever had to do. it wasn't the pain that made it painful it as the fact that I had to give birth to my baby and not be able to look after her or see her wee face everyday. no one knows about her and I wasn't planing to tell anyone but since you've went through the same thing I had to tell you " she Said

" I didn't no gran im so sorry " I said

" Don't be honey, god was telling me it wasn't the right time to have a baby and god was he right. about a year after it my life turned for the worst. everything I had around me came crashing down. I was alone for 3 years until I found your grandpa and had your mom. sometimes god takes the best things away from you to save them from the terrible things that are about to happen. never hate god because one day you might need him " she said

" I guess your right gran but there's nothing terrible in my life so why would he take her away ? " I Asked

" I thought that to until a year later. you never know what the future holds hayles. it might be good or it might be bad you just have to wait and see." She replied

" Thanks gran " I said

" For what ?" she asked

" For helping me the tiniest bit to be a tiny bit back to normal. it not gonna be easy to be normal again and it will take time but your talk helped me " I said

" I'm glad I could help now eat up before I put you Over my knee " she said which made me laugh

I brought my plate back in front of me and began to eat.


Later that night I lay in bed with Taylor. my head was lying on his chest and I could hear his heart beat, I loved just lying in bed with him and hearing his heart beat as I fell asleep

" You know what my gran told me today." I said to Taylor

" What? " he replied

" She told me that she lost a baby as well and god done it because he knew what was ahead of her and he didn't want to put a baby thought it as well maybe that's why angel got took away from us. maybe there's something ahead of us that god didn't want to put a baby through " I replied

" Like what " he asked

" I don't know but we will find out when the time comes. night t " I said

" Night hayles " Taylor said as he turned the lamp off.

Sorry this chapter isn't the best but it's just after a funeral so there not going to be jumping about happy you know lol anyway I hope you enjoyed it.

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