Chapter 49

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Chads p.o.v

I'm screwed now, I'm a dead man for sure now. I can't believe hayley walked out on me after saying she would help me. I couldn't blame her though, I was getting her into something that even I didn't want to get into.

Hayleys always had this urge to help people, I don't know why but she always has. She always sees the good in people even if they have done wrong. I can see why she doesn't want to get involved in this, she thinks what we are doing is wrong and I don't blame her for thinking that because it is wrong but it's the only way that I can stay alive.

I shouldn't have got Into this mess in the first place. it just started off with taking a little drugs so I could get over hayley but as time went by I took more and more, there was no way to escape from it. once I was on it that was it. People say just stop taking it and you'll be fine but there wrong. I stopped taking it and I was a mess but I struggled through it. I done it twice actually and now I'm clean of drugs.

I may be away from drugs but that isn't going to solve the mess I made. I have a bunch of guys after me and they won't give up until I'm dead. I'm surprised I'm actually still alive, they beat me up multiple times but that wasn't enough for them. they want me dead and they'll do anything to make that happen.

I have to get hayley out of this before it's to late. I have to face up to what I've done and take the consequences even if it mean I die. hayley has a family and daughter, I can't put her life at risk not because of my mistakes.

I have to get the guys who are after me over to Tonys and face up to what I've done. I'll let then take my life if it means hayley isn't put at risk. This is all my fault not hayleys, she shouldn't have to put her life at risk to save mine.

They can take my life I'm past caring now, I just want hayley to be safe and go back home to her husband and daughter, that's where she belongs not here trying to save me from my mess.

I have to face up to what I've done and hayley has to go home and be with her family where she belongs.

Sorry for the shitty chapter, I needed to put this in to build up to what's gonna happy so yeah sorry.

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