Chapter 47

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After spending 11 hours driving. We where finally in Florida. I had hundreds of calls form Taylor but I just hung up on him if he found out I was with chad he would go crazy. right now chad was driving to his friends house.

" So this friend, what's his name " I asked

" Tony " chad replied

After that I just stayed quite and looked out the window. it was 10pm but it was still light.

" Uh hayley " chad said

" Yeah ?" I said

" You'll need to take your wedding ring off. I told tony you where just my girlfriend " he replied

I looked down at my wedding ring and took it off. I put it the my pocket before looking back out the window. I hugged my knees as I looked out the window.


About half an hour later chad pulled up outside a massive house in the middle of no where.

" That's us here " he said before getting out the car. I got out after him and followed him up the path to the front door. I was still in my sweats and probably looked a state.

The large door opened. I looked up to see a man, he was wearing a pair of jeans, a shirt and a suit jacket. he looked really scary if I'm honest. he looked like he was a guy you wouldn't want to mess with.

" Alright mate how's it going " he said as he hugged chad

" I'm good by the way this is hayley " chad said

" Hey " I said

" Hey you, I've heard lots about you. come on in use to " he said and let us in.


After a while of sitting with tony I began to find out that he was actually a ok dude. we where sitting in his massive kitchen talking about what he was going to do about the guys who are after chad.

" I've got my mates to help me out with them but I don't know what we can actually do, even if we kill them there's still going to be all the other guys after you " tony said

" What " I looked up at tony " your going to kill these guys surely there's other ways " I said

" No there's not hayley. you see these guys are only out for one thing and that's to kill chad. he owes them big time and the only way he can repay them is if they take his life. Me and my guys are going to do everything in our power to keep both use safe and if that means killing them then we will " he said

" can't we not just give then money " I said

" unfortunately no, these guys don't want the money they just want chad dead " he said

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. what the hell was I getting into. I never thought it would come to this

" I can I use your bathroom ?" I asked

" Of course, if you go back out to the hall it's the last door in the left " tony said with a smile

" Thanks " I said and returned the smile.

I walked out if the kitchen and down the hall. once inside the bathroom I slid down the door. I wanted to help chad out i really do but I won't witness someone killing another human being. It's not right even if they are after chad, chad should have never got into that crap in the first place.

I shouldn't have left my husband and baby to help chad out especially when I'm still in love with him. it's just So mucked up. why did he need to show up at my house after everything that happened to me in the past year why did he have to come to me.

" Hayley " I heard chad say out side the door.

" Yeah " I said

" Let me in." I stood up and unlocked the door. I moved me stood over at the mirror.

Chad came in and looked at me before pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and cried a little. I was crying because part of me missed Taylor and Hannah, part of me was petrified in case these guys actually killed chad and then there was all they feelings I had for chad. they all came back and I don't know what to do about it. I was happy before he showed up at my door. me and Taylor where happy but now I'm mucked up because I love both of them and it's such a big mess.

I stopped hugging him and looked up at him

" Hey why are you crying " he said

" I can't do this chad, I'm sorry I wanted to help you out but I can't it's so messed up I have to go home. " I said and then walked past him

" Hayley " chad shouted but I jayt ignored him and left the house.

This heart will start a riot in meNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ