Chapter 45

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A couple days passed and we where back in franklin. me and Taylor spoke about moving to la and we've decided that we are. it will be a lot better out there, there's more for Hannah when she grows up, my dad lives out there and it's better than franklin.

The only thing im going to miss about franklin is Jeremy, bliss, kat and my sisters. I'm gonna make sure they all come over and visit as soon as possible. they've never seen our house in la. I haven't seen any of them in 6 months. I've spoke to them on FaceTime and I've been texting them but since I've left I've not seen them face to face.

Taylor left to go out to the shops with Hannah so I was left alone for the first time in 6 months. when I was going through all the treatment Taylor wouldn't leave my side. I loved him being with me all the time and now that he's away out I feel lost without him and Hannah.

I changed into a pair of sweats and a baggy shirt and lay on the couch watching cartoons like I used to. It felt weird being back here in this house. it no longer felt like home, it just felt like any other house. It's probably because I'm used to being back In la in our actual house. this house is only for when we are over visiting.

Someone knocked on the front door, I sighed as I got up to answer it. I swear Taylor always forgets his keys.

" I swear to god York if you forget your keys again I'll kill you " I said as I opened the door but it wasn't Taylor.

It was chad

His face was all cut up and brusied, his nose was bleeding and he was clinging on to the door frame.

" Chad are you alright " I said

He shook his head. I helped him Into the house and took him through to the kitchen and sat him down on a chair.

I brought out the first aid box and then began to clean him up.

" ouch " he said half way through cleaning the cuts

" Sorry " I said

After I finished cleaning his cuts I sat down next to him.

" Who did this to you ?" I asked

" A bunch of guys " he replied as he looked at me

" Why ? why did they hurt you ?" I asked

" Because I owe them stuff, I'm in trouble " he said

I looked down at the table not knowing what to say.

" After you and me broke up, I turned to drugs. it was my escape from reality and losing you. I took them every morning and night most days id take them 3 times. something clicked in my mucked up head and I stopped that's when you got hit by the car and you know lost the baby but then after seeing you I couldn't cope. everything that we did together came flooding back into my mind even the silliest things. losing you was to much and just seeing you again made me so depressed because I don't have you anymore " by this point he was crying, I've never seen him cry before " I turned back to drugs, the guy I got them off of, we became friends and he got me In to the dealing business but then one day it all went wrong and now I'm in trouble " he said

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him trying not to hurt him. I felt a spark when I hugged him the same spark I felt when I first fell love with him. Something clicked inside me and it brought all the feelings that I once had for him back. I moved away from him and looked away.

" I really need your help hayles please will you help me " he said

I turned around to face him

" Yeah I'll help you " I said

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