Chapter 30

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Hayleys p.o.v

I woke up the next day and looked at my ring with a big smile on my face. It was so pretty. It had a massive diamond in the middle and around the band was tiny diamonds. it was better than the one chad gave me but then again chad never really had good taste in jewelry.

Taylor started to move next to me. I looked down at him. his eyes slowly opened and he looked up at me with a smile on his face.

" Morning my beautiful fiancée " he said

" Morning my handsome soon to be husband " I said with a big smile

He slowly sat up next to me and stretched making that weird noise we all do when we stretch. I giggled at him

" What so funny " he said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I lay my head on his chest " just you making that noise "

" Your worse " he said and then put his head in my hair.

" Uh uh " I said

" Oh yes you are have you heard you, you go like This " he said and then made a sound as if a mouse was being killed

" I do not " I said

" Oh yes you do but it's ok because I still love you and that's all that matters " he said and then kissed the top of my head.


Tonight we had a show in Madison square garden ! I can't believe we actually playing a concert in there tonight. it's been one of my dreams since we started out in the music career and it's finally gonna happen tonight.

The bus was parked outside Madison square garden. Taylor and Jeremy ran away to get food like usual and I was lying in my bunk on my laptop.

I looked through my tumblr but there was nothing interesting on it so I decided to search random stuff up. the first thing I searched was my name. I'm strange alright.

Hundreds of pictures came up from a while back when my hair was orange with the blonde at the front. I scrolled down looking at all the old pictures. I came across a huge paragraph so I began to read it.

Tbh I don't think hayley and taylor are right for each other. her and chad where so cute tbh and they should have stayed together. hayley and chad where happily in love and then Taylor had to ruin it all. I feel so sorry for chad, I have a feeling he's still in love with hayley. the stuff he posts on his twitter for example he said " sometimes things weren't meant to be and it sucks, sometimes people do stuff and your left hurt but you have to be strong ". he also wrote "people closer to you are usually the people who will turn their back on you and do things behind you back. " I have a feeling that hayley cheated on chad with Taylor. if she did then I've lost all respect for her, chad can do so much better. sorry but it's the truth.

Seriously this girl was spending her time looking to see what happened between me and chad ?. Doesn't she have anything better to do with her life ?. After reading that I had to reply back

Tbh I think you should mind your own business. I'm not meaning to be rude but what you just said there is way beyond rude. What I do in my personal life has nothing to do with you or anyone else. I think you should find better things to do with your spare time rather than looking for the reason me and chad split up. that is our business and it's going to remain that way.

Was that a bit harsh ? Aw well she deserved it. I decided to search up chadley and see if there was anymore stuff like that and there was. really this is what the younger generation has turned into, bringing down celebrities because they no longer date there idol really ? Again I replied

After looking through so many of them I decided that i had to put a stop to it and the only way I could was to write something on tumblr

I've read so many posts on here talking about me and chad. what I don't get is why use are sitting trying to figure out why we split up. it is really nothing to do with anyone but us and it will remain like that. I think that it's so disrespectful that use are writing all this stuff about Taylor. Taylor is everything to me and use know that. Use need to learn that me and chad aren't together and we will never get back together. Just keep your thoughts to your selfs and don't put them of social networks sites. I also saw a fan of ours write about how happy I am with Taylor and then they went on to talk about how me and chad should date. it's really disrespectful and people can't seem to get there head around the fact that I'm in a relationship with Taylor.

I didn't want to be rude to our fans but reading all that stuff about t just made me really angry.

Taylor's my everything,we've been through so much together and to be honest if he wasn't beside me I wouldn't have been here today. I know what we done to chad was wrong and believe me I hate myself for it but I can't help that i fell for Taylor.

I shut my laptop down and climbed out of my bunk. I headed out the bus and over to all the fans that where shouting my name. I gave some of then hugs and signed some things for them. One girl caught my eye though.

She must have only been about Erica's age. she was wearing a short sleeved paramore shirt, a pair of black jeans and converses. the thing that caught my attention was her arms. they where covered in scars from cutting.

I walked over to her and took her arm. she looked up at me as if she was ashamed or something

" Please don't ever do this again, I know that it's hard when people say that to you but please stop, if you hang on a little you'll see that things will get better " I said

" What if they don't " she replied

" They will I promise you that whatever your going through this now won't last forever " I said as I looked into her eyes.

" Thank you hayley, thank you for keeping me alive this long " she said

" No thank you for staying alive and fighting through whatever's going on in your life. you'll get through this sweetie I know you will " I said

" I will try my best. Have a great show, I can't wait to see use " she said

" I will see you in there bye sweetie " I said and then walked away.

I hated when our fans did that. I know

How they feel and I hate knowing that there going through it. I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy. I take that back maybe one of my enemy's.

As soon as I went inside I went straight to the canteen area. Taylor and Jeremy where sitting at a table with their plates filled with food. I sat in the spare seat next to Taylor.

" Hey babe " he said before stuffing his face with food

" Hi " I replied

" Where have you been ? " Jeremy asked

" Just in the bus and then I went out to see some fans " i replied

" Ah well we have sound check in 5 minuets " he replied

" Cool I'll see use there " I said before leaving.


It was after the show. I went for a quick shower before changing into a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie.

I think I cried like 7 times on stage, tonight was so magical. it was a dream come true. During the show I looked at t and I could tell that he was amazed by all the fans and just being there on that stage. Jeremy well I seen a couple tears he'll say that he wasn't crying but honestly he was.

It just shows that dreams can come true because so far nearly all of mine have. I picked up all my stuff before heading out to the bus where the guys where. Taylor was lying in the back watching a DVD and Jeremy was lying on he's bunk talking to kat on the phone.

I through my stuff on my bunk and then made my way to Taylor. he moved over and I lay next to him. he wrapped his arms around me as I lay my head on his shoulder. what a perfect way to end a perfect day.

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