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*1 year later*

You have been living in London for a year now. Both you and Y/F/N have jobs working in a cafe called "Layers" (A/N: I made it up. I think). You have completely decorated your flat. Your room is covered with Pokemon plushy's, anime pillows and Dan and Phil posters. You were all settled. Still one thing was bothering you.

You still hadn't met Dan and Phil.

In the back of your mind you knew that you would never meet them. They were two people in a big city. On a level, though, you were still praying.

You are awoken by the sound of your bedroom door being pushed open. You still have your eyes closed when you feel something jump onto your bed. You open your eyes. Y/F/N is jumping in your bed.
"Come on Y/N!!! Wake up!"
"I am!! You have no idea how much like a child you are!"
"I am a child!"
"You're 25!"
"Still! Anyway, if anyone is the child in this friendship, it is you!"
You laugh. "A) I'm 22, B) Says the person bouncing on my bed!  Why did you wake me up. I swear, you better have an explanation, or you're dead."
"Oh yeah! Your dad called He want you to call him," Y/F/N says, jumping off your bed and leaving the room.

You get up and walk to the kitchen. You had left your phone there last night.
You see a missed call from "Dad".
You call him back.

"Hello, N/N! How are you!" You hear your dads cheerful voice through the phone.
"I'm good! How are you and mum? Miss me at all?"
"We are good! We miss you every day."
"Aww! I feel loved!"
"You are! Anyway, I haven't checked up on you in a while. How's your job going? You met Dan and Phil yet?"
"My job is going really well! I am really enjoying it. And no, I haven't met Dan and Phil." You can't hide the disappointment in your voice.
You hear shuffling around and muttering. You can make out a few words, but not everything.

"...Okay...But where....check...she'll love....surprise...this might not......illegal."

You are really confused. Who was your dad talking to? It was probably mum. But what was he talking about? Illegal?

You are pulled out of your train of thought when your dad calls your name.
"Y/N! Are you ok?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking."
"As I was saying, you should come down some time. When are you free?"
"I can come down next week? I'm free on Saturday?"
"I have to go on a trip next Saturday. How about 5th of July? I'm free then?"
"Okay! I have to go now! See you in two weeks! Love you!"
"Bye N/N!"

You hang up. You are still confused about what your dad was talking about.

"Y/F/N!! Do you wanna come to my parents?" You shout. Y/F/N is in the shower.
"Sure, when?"
"5th of July?"
"Can do!"

You feel your phone vibrate. It's a text from dad.

'I have a surprise for you'

Taken. [Dan x reader]Where stories live. Discover now