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You stumble into Lottie and Sarah's house. Tears block your vision.

"That's was tense." Y/F/N pants, hands on her knees.

"I'm going to my room" you stand up and walk away. You find the room with all your stuff in it.

You lock the door and slide down it.

You sob, wail and cry. You are completely overwhelmed.
Suddenly, you can't breath. You can't think.

Panic encases your body.
Shakily, you pick up your phone and type in a phone number.

"Hey Y/N!" Zoe picks up.
"Zoe, help me" you gasp.
"Y/N! What's wrong! Where are you!" She panics.
"I'm in 20a Milton Road. Come quickly please. I need you!" You whisper
"I'm coming Y/N! Hold on"

That's the last thing you remember before You pass out.

"Y/N!! Wake up! Please!" You wake up to Zoe shaking you gently.
"Zoe!" You gasp, tears still streaming out your eyes.
"Oh thank god! You're ok!" She hugs you.

"Zoe! I need water"
"Of course!" Zoe runs out the room.
"Y/N! Thank the lord!" Y/F/N runs in along with Lottie and Sarah.

"Here!" Zoe hands you glass of water.

You gulp it down.

"Ok! What is happening?" Zoe looks at you.
"Y/F/N can you tell her. I can't"

Y/F/N tells her everything.

"I'm so sorry! Y/N!" Zoe hugs you, tears in her own eyes.

At that moment, your phone starts ringing.
"Lottie, can you get that?" You whisper, your voice croaky from the crying.

"Sure. Ugh it's Phil. Shall I answer?"
Nodding, you lay down in the bed again.

"What do you want dick bag?" Lottie yells in the phone.
"Wait, what did Phil do?" Zoe asks.

"I told him, and he didn't believe me"

"You want what? Well, I don't think-
I'll talk to her. I'm not promising anything. Bye"

"What did he want?" You close your eyes.
"Phil wants to apologise. He said, and I'm quoting here, he completely fu*ked up with you. He is so sorry"

"Bring him here, please"

"Ok. Sar, come with me?"

Sar's POV•

"Ok, Sar, come with me?"
"Coming!" I grab my denim jacked and run after Lottie.

"So do you think Y/N will ever get back together with Dan?" I ask as we link arms.
"I honestly have no idea. I did hear Y/N say that she had given up on love. I feel so bad for her."
"If we see Chiara, I'm gonna kick her"

We reach their flat and open the door with the keys that Y/F/N gave me.

I knock on the door. Screaming can be hear form behind it.
"What?" Chiara opens the door violently.

Me and Lottie look at each other and then say "we're here to see Phil"

"He doesn't want visitors today! Thanks for coming!"

We look at each other. We kick her and then walk in.

"Phil?" We call for him.
He is standing in the middle of the living room. Everything is everywhere. The to had been spit in two. Prices of the chairs were all over the place.

"Phil?" I turn him around.

He had a cut on his arm.

"Oh sh*t! Let's get you to ours." Lottie puts her hand on his shoulder and leads him to the door.

I hop over Chiara who is lying in the floor, and kick her again.


You hear keys jingle, followed by the door opening.

"Y/N? Zoe?" Lottie calls.

"In here!" You call. You're watching anime in the front room, still hugging your pillow.

"Y/N! I am so sorry! I didn't believe you because I do want to believe you! Please forgive me!" Phil sits next to the sofa, tears in his eyes.

"It's not o-" you stop talking when you see the gash on his cheek.

"It's ok Phil. How's your face?" You walk up to him and take his head in your hand.

"Is fine."

"Ok. It's late. I'm going to bed" you hop up, grab your pillow and head for the door.

"I've seen Dan"

You stop. Tears threaten to fall at just the mention of his name.

"What about him?" You say, voice shaking.

"He isn't himself"

You turn.
"You know how Chiara did that to you?" You point at his face, "and how he did this to me" you point to your face, "they both hurt us. They were both not themselves. They can have each other."

You turn and run out the room.

You lay down in the bed and hug your pillow. Suddenly, you realise why you need it with you.

It smells like him.

You sit up and throw the pillow across the room.
Placing your head on the other pillows, you fall asleep.

Taken. [Dan x reader]Where stories live. Discover now