Advice with Phil

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•Dans POV•

Phil closed the door behind Y/N and Y/F/N. I sigh.

"Dan! What was that?"
"You admit that you like her, you invite her over, then completely ignore her and her friend!"
"Why did you ignore her?"
"I don't know okay! I'm worried that I'll scare her off if I do something about it!"
"Dan. She's a Phan girl. She won't be scared. She trusts you. She's watched you ever since 2009, you know!"
"Ok. I'll text her."
" But you didn't get their numbers."
" Yeah, but you did."
"I did."
"Ha! Knew it!"

Phil gave me Y/N and Y/F/N's numbers.

I take a deep breath. I've been rejected so many times in my life. I like Y/N. I watched a few of her videos, and I really like her. I hope she feels the same.

•Your Phone/ POV•

Dan: Hey Y/N it's Dan!
Y/N: Heya!

You cringe. Too much!
He didn't reply.
UGH! I knew I was too excited.

You throw your phone on your bed and walk to the bathroom.

You look in the mirror. You've never really liked your looks. You were bullied in primary and secondary school. The kids would call you fat and ugly. They would tell you to kill yourself.
You tried too. You nearly died. Thankfully you didn't. Whilst you were in the hospital, you met Y/F/N. They were in the bed next to you. Y/F/N had hit their head on the stairs. You both immediately became best friends.

After you got back from the hospital, you found Dan and Phil. They have you a reason to live. That is why they made you so happy and why you love them so much.

Now that you've met them, you would think that you would be happy, but you aren't. Dan ignored you most of the time you were there. You are really worried. Does he not like you? It's probably because he doesn't trust you. You don't blame him. He was kidnapped by your dad, after all.

You look at your E/C eyes. You always wanted blue/brown/green eyes.
You like your H/C hair. It is one of the only features on you that you like. You like styling you long/short hair to suit the mood you're in. Today, it was up in a braid (or half up half down, if you have short hair).

You have a shower, then get into your Totaro onesie. You climb into bed and grab your phone. You have a text from Dan. You open your texts, and when you read it, your heart skips a beat.

Dan:Do you wanna go out some time?

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