Drama llama

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Y/N's POV•

You wipe away the tears in your eyes. 'UGH!! I've had enough drama in my life!! I just want the drama to be over!'

You look up. Dan is standing in the doorway.

He is bright and tanned. His hair lightly longer than it was when you last saw him. He looks so much healthier than when you last saw him.

'He looks so much better without me. Maybe it's better this way'

"Dan" you mutter. To be honest, you didn't think he would come. Yet here he is.

"Hey Y/N!" He says cheerfully.
"Hi" you say. You aren't in the mood to speak to Dan.
"How are you?" He leans on the end of your bed.
"I'm fine"
"Cool. Anyway, I think you deserve an explanation"
"Nope. I don't."

This takes Dan back.
"Are you sure?"
"Then do you want one?"
"No". You like being like this. It ends the conversation quickly.

"Oh" Dan turns to leave, when he turns around and stares at you.
"Why are you being like this?" He half yells half says.
You roll your eyes.  Here we go.
"Why the fu*k do you think Dan?" You shout back.
"I have no idea what to think when it comes to you!"

You roll your eyes again.
"I just found out that my best friend is dating, maybe even fu*king my ex boyfriend!"
"You'd know about fu*king ex's" you hear Dan murmur between you speaking.
"How would you expect me to re-  what did you just say?" You tell, outraged.
"I said you would know about fu*king ex's! Did you not hear me?"

You get up. Dan looks confused. He isn't sure what you are going to do.

You slap him in the face before screaming "You cannot blame me for that. I was FU*KING WASTED!! I had no control. I was distraught after what happened. You know? When you kissed the cousin that had also caused my boyfriend to break up with me!!"
Dan goes to speak before you continue.
"Also, if you had thought about opening my phone and see the conversation that we have been having, you would have seen that I explained that. Finn asked if we could do it again, I said no because I am loyal. But of course, your tiny brain did not think of that!! That is why I freaked out and ended up in a comma for TWO FU*KING YEARS!!!" You take a deep  breath. Dan, and everyone else in the room is speechless.
"So don't you dare accuse me of something that was an accident, when I forgave you for kissing my fu*king cousin in front of me!"

Dan looks shocked.
"No Dan. I have had it up to here with your bull sh*t. Leave now." You point to the door.
"But Y/N..."
"Don't make me say it again!" You screech.

Head hanging, Dan walks out the room.

You turn to the other 20 people in the room.
"Anyway, how have you guys been?" You ask as you hop into bed, tears still falling.

Taken. [Dan x reader]Where stories live. Discover now