Food fights and burnt fingers.

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You put on a white crop top, grey shorts and a blue checked shirt over the top.

The door bell rings. "I'll get it!!" Phil yells. This is good cause you still haven't finished doing your makeup.
Quickly, you put on a layer of deep crimson lipstick before running out the door towards the sound of laughing.

"Hello!" You skip into the living room.
"Hello!! You ready to film?" Dan smiles at you.
"Yep. Phil! How about you join us?!"
"Ok. What are you doing"
"We are gonna be baking!!" You jump and do jazz hands when the words come out of your mouth.
"Cool! Let's go!" Phil hops to the kitchen. You and Dan exchange looks before both laugh and follow Phil, imitating his enthusiasm.

"Hello people of the interweb! How are you doing on this fine day. Today I am joined by Danny over to my left and Philly to my right!" They both slide in shot.
"Hello!" They yell together. You cover your ears with your hands.
"Calm down!! Jees!"
"Sorry! I'm just excited! I'm in the zone!"
"Why?" Phil looks over at Dan.
"Because we are gonna bake!!" He copies your move with the jazz hands.
"That's right! We are gonna make cookies!!" You do the same action as Dan.
"Let's get started!" Phil does the same.

*Skip le mixing*

"Now! Put in the oven for ten minutes!" You place the uncooked cookies into the oven.
"See you in a bit!" Phil says before turning the camera off.
"I'm gonna get my phone." He skips out the room.

You turn around and start to tidy up.
Suddenly, flower falls all over your head and shirt. You spin around see Dan standing behind you, holding a bowl and grinning.
"Oh it's on!!" You yell, grabbing the coco power and throwing it in his face.
You both keep throwing ingredients back and forth.

He takes the icing sugar and goes to throw it at you. You duck and it hit Phil right in the face.

"Oh sh*t! Phil!" Dan laughs, clutching his stomach.
"I leave you guys for 2 minutes. You can't last 2 minutes without an adult can you?" He shakes his head laughing too.

A couple minutes later, beeping fills the house.

You scream as you run into the room and turn on the camera. "THEY'RE DONE!"
"We know!!" Phil screams back.
"They smell great!" Dan hops up and down.

Carefully you take them out of the oven.
"Let's try one!" You grab one, but burn your finger. "OH SH*T!" You tell before sticking your finger in your mouth and sucking it. It takes away a bit of the pain.
"Here!" Phil leads you to the sink and runs your finger under it for 15 minutes.

"Since Y/N was too impatient, we had to wait 15 minutes for her finger to get better. The good thing about that is that they are cool!" Dan says.
You all take one and bite into it. The sound of groaning fills the room.
"Holy sh*t! These are amazing!" Dan mutters.

Once you finish the video, you all wolf down the rest of the cookies.

"What do you want to do now?" Phil asks.
"Tv?" You suggest.
"TV!" They both say together before hoping out the room, you following them giggling.

Taken. [Dan x reader]Where stories live. Discover now